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Reading the Gospel of Mark in the Twenty-first century: method and theory - 26-27-28/07/2017, Leuven

The Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense is an annual international conference on Biblical Studies jointly organised by the theological faculties of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and the Université Catholique de Louvain. The meetings take place in the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the KU Leuven and are alternately dedicated to a topic in Old and in New Testament Studies.

The Colloquium offers a forum and meeting place for research and scholarly discussion in the field of Biblical Studies. As a rule the annual conference focuses on a biblical book or a collection of writings, but it also addresses thematic subjects.

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 26-27-28/07/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr. Geert Van Oyen (President of the Colloquium) ; Dr. Reimund Bieringer (Secretary of the Colloquium)

INFO: web -



Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Kleine Aula – Aula Minor

Geert Van Oyen (Université catholique de Louvain) Presidential Address: From Messianic Secret to Divine Mystery: How Narratology Makes Sense / Du secret messianique au mystère divin: le sens de la narratologie

10:00 Group Picture (Steps of Pope’s College)

10:00-10:30 Coffee (MTC 00.03)


Kleine Aula – Aula Minor

Elizabeth Struthers Malbon (Virginia Tech): Jonah, Jesus, and Gentiles Across the Sea: Narrative Intersections

11:30-12:50 Seminars (Part 1)

Nederlands: room MTC 00.08 Joseph Verheyden (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven): De vroege receptiegeschiedenis van het Marcusevangelie

English: room MTC 02.13 Kelli O’Brien: Hints and Fragments: The Use of Scripture in Mark and the Dead Sea Scrolls

Français: room MTC 00.07 Christian Grappe (Université de Strasbourg): Pureté et impureté dans l’Évangile de Marc

Deutsch: room MTC 00.12 Gudrun Guttenberger (Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg): Der Erzähler als Schriftgelehrter - Zur Schriftauslegung im Markusevangelium

13:00 Lunch (MTC 00.03)

14:15-16:00: Offered Papers I Parallel Session 1: room MTC 00.16 Parallel Session 2: room MTC 01.03 Parallel Session 3: room MTC 01.15 Parallel Session 4: room MTC 02.10 Parallel Session 5: room MTC 02.11

16:00-16:30: Coffee (MTC 00.03)


Kleine Aula – Aula Minor Cilliers Breytenbach (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin): Das Evangelium nach Markus: Verschlüsselte Performanz?

17:30-18:30 Santiago Guijarro Oporto (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca): Cultural Trauma, Collective Identity, and the Rhetoric of Mark


Panel Discussion

19:00: Dinner (MTC 00.03)

Thursday, July 27, 2017


Kleine Aula – Aula Minor Sandra Huebenthal (Universität Passau): Kollektives Gedächtnis, Kulturelle Texte und das Markusevangelium

10:00-11:00 Yvan Bourquin (Independent scholar): Marc 14-16: le silence du ciel et les silences du récit

11:00-11:30 Coffee (MTC 00.03)

11:30-12:50: Seminars (Part 2) Nederlands: room MTC 00.08 English: room MTC 02.13 Français: room MTC 00.07 Deutsch: room MTC 00.12

13:00Lunch (MTC 00.03)

15:15-15:45: Coffee (MTC 00.03)

15:45-17:30: Offered Papers II Parallel Session 1: room MTC 00.16 Parallel Session 2: room MTC 01.03 Parallel Session 3: room MTC 01.15 Parallel Session 4: room MTC 02.10 Parallel Session 5: room MTC 02.11

17:30-18:30 Mark Goodacre (Duke University): An Orthodox Redaction of Mark? Reading Mark through Matthew's Eyes

18:30-19:00 Panel Discussion

19:15 Banquet (MTC 00.03)

Friday, July 28, 2017


Kleine Aula – Aula Minor

Elizabeth Shively (University of St Andrews): Intentionality and Mark’s Narrative Worldmaking: Rethinking the Narrative Communication Paradigm

9:30-10:30 Armand Puig i Tàrrech (Facultat de Teologia de Barcelona): Sens, limites et chances de la recherche sur le Jésus historique à la lumière de l’Évangile de Marc

10:30-11:00 Coffee (MTC 00.03)


Kleine Aula – Aula Minor Reinhard von Bendemann (Universität Bochum): „Er ist nicht hier… er geht euch voraus nach Galiläa“ (Mk 16,6f.) – Die Bedeutung des Erzählschlusses für die narrative Topographie des zweiten Evangeliums

12:00-12:30 Panel Discussion

12:30-13:00 Closing Session (including the short reports of the seminars)

13:00 Lunch (MTC 00.03)

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