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The Association of Ancient Historians Annual Meeting 2017 - 04-05-06/05/2017, Providence (RI, USA)

Brown University is proud to host the annual Meeting of the Association of Ancient Historians which returns to Providence for the first time since 1989.

This year's meeting addresses a range of themes that will build on current research interests and themes relevant to students in the 21st century classroom. The conference opens on Thursday May 4 and ends on Saturday May 6: there is no Sunday session. The conference organizers have tried to present thematic panels that blend Greek, Roman, and non-Greco-Roman regions/periods of ancient history.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 04-05-06/05/2017


INFO: web - -


Viernes / Friday / Venerdi - $85

Sábado / Saturday / Sabato - $75


Thursday, May 4, 2017- Plenary Address and Reception

6:00-7:00 pm Opening Session and Plenary Address (venue: 85 Waterman Room 130): Greg Woolf, "The Politics of Syncretism in Classical Antiquity"

7:00-8:30 pm Reception (venue: Sayles Hall)

Friday, May 5, 2017

8:30 -10:30 am: Session 1 (venue: Alumnae Hall): 8:30 Duane Roller, “Harbor Culture and Greek Intellectualism” 9:00 Raymond Capra, “The Merchants and Boatwrights of Emporion” 9:30 Denise Demetriou, “Phoenician Associations in Harbor Towns: Trade, Immigration, and Citizenship” 10:00 Steven Payne, “Harboring Rome: ”Piraeus and Navigating Roman Imperialism in Lucian's Ships”

10:30-11:00 am: Coffee Break (Alumnae Hall Lobby)

11:00 am-12.30 pm: Session 2 (venue: Alumnae Hall): Refugees and Asylum 11:00 Nicholas Cross, “The Hearth as a Place of Refuge and Reception in Ancient Greece” 11:30 Matt Simonton, “Refugees, Demagogues, and Material Culture in the Teisamenos Decree from Athens” 12:00 Randall Souza, “Refugees and the Economy of Human Resources in the Ancient Greek Mediterranean”

12:30-2:30 pm: Lunch (participants can go to local eateries)

2:30-4:00 pm: Session 3 (venue: 85 Waterman Room 130): Contingency and the Ancient Economy I 2:30 Cristina Carusi, “Temple Building in Classical Athens: A Matter of Labor Contingency?” 3:00 David Ratzan, “Honoring Debt in Roman Egypt” 3:30 Antonino Crisa, “To be or not to be a Coin? Ancient Tokens in Italy as an Economic Source and the Representation of Local Communities”

4:00-4:30: Tea/Coffee Break (85 Waterman Lobby)

4:30- 6:00 pm: Session 4 (85 Waterman Room 130): New Religions 4:30 Mary Frances Williams, “Two Transformations of Historiography in Sulpicius Severus: Shifting Chronologies and a Christian Rejection of Autopsy” 5:00 Muhammet Yücel, “The Reaction against a New Religion in the Early Sassanian Period” 5:30 Camilla Campedelli, “On the Significance of the New Features of Late Magical Rituals”

Saturday, May 6, 2017

8:30 -10:30 am: Session 5 (venue: Alumnae Hall): Slaves and Family 8:30 Luke Hagemann, “The Emperor’s New Slaves” 9:00 Tristan Husby, “Manumission and Fraternal Rivalry: Cicero and Tiro, Quintus and Statius” 9:30 William Owens, “Psyche Ancilla; Apuleius’ Psyche as Exploited Domestic Slave” 10:00 Beth Severy-Hoven, 'The Freed as Family at the Port of Rome”

10:30 -11:00 am: Coffee Break (Alumnae Hall Lobby)

11:00 am-12:30 pm: Session 6 (venue: Alumnae Hall): The Reception of Ancient Historians and Ancient History in the New World 11:00 John Lee, “Receptions of Achaemenid Persia in U.S. Textbooks, ca. 1870-1930” 11:30 Kaius Tuori, “Romans in A Brave New World: Refugee Scholars and the Transformation of Ancient History and Roman Law” 12:00 Scott Perry, “A North American Princeps? John Buchan and H. J. Haskell on Augustus in the 1930s”

12:30-2:30 pm: Lunch (participants can go to local eateries)

2:30-4:00 pm: Session 7 (venue: Alumnae Hall): Contingency and the Ancient Economy II 2:30 Kelcy Sagstetter, “Gone Clubbing: From Debtors to Bodyguards in the Wake of Solon’s Seisachtheia” 3:00 Paul Johstono, “Bulls and Bubbles: Considering the Strategic Economic Awareness of the Diadochi” 3:30 Zachery Herz, “Risk Management and the Demon Barber of the Via Sacra”

4:00-4:30 pm: Tea/Coffee Break (85 Waterman Lobby)

4:30-5:30 pm: AAH AGM & Business Meeting (venue: 85 Waterman Room 130)

7:00-10:00 pm: Banquet and After Dinner Talk (venue: Alumnae Hall)

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