The Fifth Eurasian Archaeology Conference: Gods on the Grasslands, Myths in the Mountains - 26-27-28
How can the material traces of the past inform our understanding of the divine, the otherworldly, and the mythical? In contrast to other geographical locales, Eurasian archaeologists have long recognized the vitality of religious practices. This attention to the devotional, however, has been closely linked to conceptions of the ethnos. As the ethnos has been destabilized in contemporary archaeological thought, it is increasingly important to rethink the significance of religion in Eurasia’s past.
The Fifth Eurasian Archaeology Conference invites participants to reevaluate the role of religion and religious practices within and beyond daily life. It encourages participants to explore how religion(s) – and conceptions of a world beyond – have shaped cultural beliefs and practices throughout time and space within this vast and diverse terrain that spans from the Danube to the Gobi, from the Great Caucasus to the Tian Shan mountains.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 26-27-28/10/2017
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Cornell University in Ithaca (NY, USA)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Eurasian Archaeology Conferences, Cornell University
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