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Red Sea VIII Conference: Coveted Treasure. The economy of natural resources: extraction, processing

Ten years after the Red Sea III conference: "Natural Resources and Cultural Connections of the Red Sea", held at the British Museum on 27–28 October 2006, enough new data has been made available to warrant another in-depth look at the archaeology of natural resources extraction and processing (mines, workshops, etc.)

The main themes of the conference are:

  • economic significance of commerce in natural resources passing through the Red Sea

  • intermediaries in the natural resources trade (“Who dun’it”)

  • other archaeological categories coexistent with the natural resources trade (pottery, glass etc.)

  • language/epigraphy: terms for natural resources: mining and processing/crafts work

  • ethnoarchaeological evidence for exploitation and processing of natural resource

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 04-05-06-07-08-09/07/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Iwona Zych ; Zuzanna Wygnańska; Joanna K. Rądkowska; Marta Mierzejewska

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