CALL. 14.04.2017: Gender and Identities in Peloponnesian Antiquity - Nottingham (England)
PhD students and early career researchers conducting research on the history, archaeology and culture of the Peloponnese (with broad chronological and thematic parameters) are invited to submit proposals for papers (of not more than 20 minutes in length) and posters for the conference on 'Gender and Identities in Peloponnesian Antiquity’ at the University of Nottingham on 22-23 June 2017. The conference runs under the auspices of the University of Nottingham’s Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies (CSPS). It is intended to bring together young scholars researching subjects relating to the understanding and presentation of gender and other identities in the ancient Peloponnese. The conference will provide students and early career researchers with a forum to share their research, and to encourage the exchange of ideas between young scholars researching different aspects and periods of the history, archaeology, and culture.
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies,University of Nottingham (Nottingham, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Kendell Heydon (University of Nottingham); Charlotte Round (University of Nottingham); Richard J.G. Evans (University of Leicester)
The primary goal of the conference is to provide a welcoming platform for the inter-departmental and interdisciplinary presentation and discussion of research undertaken by PhD students and early career researchers with focus on areas relating to gender and other identities in the ancient Peloponnese (inclusive of the Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman periods).
Main themes may include such topics as:
· Masculinity/Femininity: Methodological approaches to gender; Hegemonic masculinities; Constructs of Spartan masculinity/femininity in ancient sources; Platonic constructs of Dorian manhood/womanhood; Sparta: the proto-feminist state?; The subversion of gender and identity norms
· Sexuality: Sexuality/attitudes towards sex; the relationship between war and procreation
Mythology/Religion: Deities/sanctuaries/cults of the Peloponnese: roles, rituals and their gender connections; Religious practice abroad – dedicatory practices at external sanctuaries and what they say about Peloponnesian identity; Variations on Spartan cult and ritual practices as a reflection on identity; Mythological figures in the Peloponnese, and their presentation as gendered personas
· Gender/Identity in History and Literature: Gender identities in poetic and dramatic works; Historians' use of gender; Philosophical approaches to gender; Roman understanding/misunderstanding: the presentation of the Archaic/Classical/Hellenistic Peloponnese in Roman sources; Gender/Identity in Visual Culture; Connections between iconology, symbology, and identity
· Outsider Identities: Subaltern gendered identities; Slave identities; Disability and identity; Foreigners and Exiles in the Peloponnese; Confirming identity when away from home – what Peloponnesians do abroad
Gender/Identity in Reception: Reception/understandings of Spartan masculinity/femininity/identity in popular culture/art history; Reception/understandings of Arcadian masculinity/femininity/identity in popular culture/art history; Reception/constructs of Spartan masculinity in European history
· Intersections between Gender and Other Identities: Outsiders' views of the Peloponnese and its gender/identity constructs; Gender identity and athletics in the Peloponnese; Women and war; Women and the economy
This conference is an interdisciplinary endeavour, and we welcome submissions from researchers working on a broad range of perspectives (classics, history, archaeology, political science, gender studies, sociology, psychology, iconography, reception studies, etc.) and chronological periods (Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman) related to gender and other identities in the Peloponnese.
Abstracts should be 200-250 words in length, and should be submitted by email to by 14 April 2017.
Papers and posters will be published, upon review, in an online conference volume through the CSPS website.