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Epitome. From Fragmentation to Re-composition (and back again) - 23-24-25/05/2017, Ghent (Belgium)

For centuries, the term epitome did not enjoy great appreciation, intuitively connected as it was to an idea of textual recycling and derivativeness. It is thus no coincidence that a number of ages in which epitomatory works witnessed a widespread diffusion - from Late Antiquity up to the long season of humanistic and late humanistic erudition - were equally doomed to an aesthetical damnatio memoriae. Yet, in more recent years a renovated scholarly enthusiasm has been paving the way for both an aesthetic and heuristic revaluation of these “obscure objects”. Our aim here is not so much to concentrate on the definition, indeed quite problematic, of a genre called epitome, nor to fall back to that theoretically limiting Quellenforschung whose only purpose was to treat epitomized texts as mines for lost textual sources. We would like, instead, to conceptualize epitomai as the result of two very basic movements, dismemberment and re-composition, and to survey the hermeneutic fields so disclosed.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 23-24-25/05/2017

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Ghent University (Ghent, Belgium)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Prof. Paolo Felice Sacchi (U. Ghent) ; Prof. Marco Formisano (U.Ghent)




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