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CALL. 31.03.2017: [POSTERS] Domesticated Landscapes. Incorporating nature in Roman houses and villas



LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Pompeii (Pompeii, Italy)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Anna Anguissola ; Marialaura Iadanza ; Riccardo Olivito. Soprintendenza Pompei in cooperation with the University of Pisa and the Scuola Normale Superiore.



We are inviting the submission of posters as part of the international conference “Paesaggi Domestici. L’esperienza della natura nelle case e nelle ville romane. Pompei, Ercolano e l’area vesuviana / Domestic Landscapes: Incorporating the nature in Roman houses and villas”, taking place at Pompeii on 27-28 April 2017. The conference is organized by the Soprintendenza Pompei in cooperation with the University of Pisa and the Scuola Normale Superiore.

The conference focuses on the multi-faceted relationship between architecture and nature in Roman houses and villas around the Bay of Naples (1st c. BC – 1st c. AD). The topic is examined by focusing on three fundamental questions: 1. Which architectural and decorative solutions assisted in incorporating landscapes into the built-up environment? 2. How could the outside space be arranged so as to highlight the impact of nature on the inside? 3. What methods may help in retrieving the sensorial dimension of the landscape?

Contributions addressing architecture and decoration, material culture, and epigraphic or literary evidence are equally welcome. Topics may include – but are not limited to – individual case studies, building typologies and decorative patterns that imply a close-knit dialogue between the interior and exterior, the arrangement and decoration of gardens and porticoes, historical and scientific methods for the visualization and restoration of the built-up environment. Particularly welcome are the presentations of current fieldwork, as well as contributions in the fields of archaeobotanical research, geophysics and digital archaeology.

We will be able to display a limited number of posters at the conference’s venue. Preference, therefore, will be given to presentations that are most in line with the conference’s themes and methods. To submit a poster for consideration, please send an abstract of no more than 250 words (in Italian or in English) to the following e-mail address ( by 31st March 2017, outlining the topic and content of the poster.

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