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2017 UK Ancient Historians' Annual Meeting - 20-21/05/2017, Stevenage (England)

The 2017 UK Ancient Historians' Annual Meeting (the 'Norman Baynes' meeting) will be held from May 20/21 in Stevenage, Herts.

This is the prime opportunity for all ancient historians in the UK, whatever their specialism, and whether in post or retired, to meet, explore ideas, and exchange views, formally and informally. Early-career ancient historians and those recently appointed to posts are particularly encouraged to attend. The event is open both to those with university posts and to others at post-doctoral level.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 20-21/05/2017





No residentes / non-residentes / non residenti: £25


Saturday 20 May

2.45 – 5.00 p.m. (with a break for tea) History and literature: how can historians make the literary qualities of the texts they use enhance the sophistication of the history they write?

Ashley Clements (TCD)

Fiona Hobden (Liverpool)

Llewelyn Morgan (Oxford)

5.00 – 7.00 pm Hannah Cornwell (ICS) ‘The Sublime Diplomacy of Rome’

7.45 pm Dinner

Sunday 21 May

9.30 – 12 noon (with a break for coffee) Where is Hellenistic history heading?

Kyle Erickson (Lampeter).

Ben Raynor (Cambridge)

Kathryn Stevens (Durham),

12.00 – 1.00 Information exchange/business meeting.

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