CALL. 03.04.2017: 2nd International Forum LC-UCY of Young Researchers - Nicosia (Cyprus)

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Cyprus (Nicosia, Cyprus)
INFO: web -
The purpose of this Forum is to promote, disseminate and favour the exchange of results obtained by young researchers from different disciplines that directly or indirectly engage in the study of languages and literature. The meeting is aimed at young researchers: those who are undertaking a final research project for their undergraduate studies, pursuing their graduate studies in order to obtain their Master’s Degree, at the stage of preparing their doctoral thesis or PhD holders in their first 5 years of their academic research career.
We invite contributions from any field of Linguistics and/or Literature, and we are particularly interested in studies that explore themany interferences and interrelationships between the various languages. The speakers will discuss the influences that are established between various languages, in many fields:
Loans and linguistic contaminations.
Linguistic variations by direct or indirect influences.
Meeting points (linguistic, expressive or sociocultural) and common factors in communication and teaching.
Linguistic dominations or languages in coexistence with other main languages.
Minority languages, historical languages and languages in danger.
Bilingualism and multilingualism.
Minority languages or languages in danger in language teaching and learning as L1, L2 or L3.
The meeting is aimed at young researchers: those who are undertaking a final research project for their undergraduate studies, pursuing their graduate studies in order to obtain their Master’s Degree, at the stage of preparing their doctoral thesis or PhD holders in their first 5 years of their academic research career.Communication can be submitted in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Greek and Turkish.
After the forum, the submissions will be edited and published in a volume with an ISBN number in accordance with the academic standards for scientific publications.
Deadline for submitting the abstract proposal: April 3, 2017.
Notification of acceptance will be sent on April 7, 2017.
Registration and payment methods will appear on the official websiteof L2 VIA KYPRO