CALL. 21.05.2017: Sapiens Ubique Civis V - Szeged (Hungary)

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Department of Classical Philology and Neo-Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Szeged (Hungary)
Dr. János Nagyillés PhD: Head of Department, Chairman of the Conference Committee Dr. Mariann Czerovszki PhD
Dr. Endre Ádám Hamvas PhD
Dr. habil. Péter Kasza PhD
Dr. habil. István Lázár PhD
Dr. habil. Péter Mayer PhD
Dr. Ferenc Krisztián Szabó PhD
Prof. László Szörényi DSc
Dr. habil. Ibolya Tar CSc
Dr. Iván Tóth PhD
INFO: - Klaudia Harcz ( - Dr. Tamás Jászay PhD ( - Dr. Gergő Gellérfi PhD (
The Department of Classical Philology and Neo-Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Szeged, Hungary is pleased to announce its International PhD Student Conference Sapiens Ubique Civis V – Szeged 2017.
The aim of the conference is to bring together an international group of young scholars working in a variety of periods, places, languages, and fields. Papers on a wide range of classical subjects, including but not limited to the literature, history, philology, philosophy, linguistics and archaeology of Greece and Rome, Byzantinology, Neo-Latin studies, and reception of the classics, as well as papers dealing with theatre studies, comparative literature, contemporary literature, and fine arts related to the Antiquity are welcome.
Lectures: The language of the conference is primarily English but German papers are welcome as well. Thematic sessions and plenary lectures will be scheduled. The time limit for each lecture is 20 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of discussion.
Abstracts: Abstracts of at most 300 words should be sent by email as a Word attachment to no later than May 21, 2017.The document should also contain author information including name, affiliation and contact email address, and the title of the presentation. Acceptance notification will be sent to you till June 4, 2017.