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Subaltern Voices in Archaic and Classical Greece - 27/05/2017, Oxford (England)

The transmission of subaltern voices to us from ancient Greece has been difficult. Part of the reason for this is the modern diffidence towards these voices, preceded by premodern disdain for them. In recent years there have been excellent efforts to capture the voices of women, of slaves, of soldiers, and so on. We are acutely aware also that in antiquity many groups were silenced by the circumstances of their lives and this silence was later amplified in later reception. What did these various and numerous groups, especially those who are underrepresented in scholarship, hold in common? Is it possible to define broadly and comprehensibly the subaltern in archaic and classical Greece? Social historians have been focused on individual groups; there has not been a great Coming Together of the sort we propose.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 11-12-13/05/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Samuel Gartland (Oxford); David Tandy (Leeds/Tennessee)



fecha límite / deadline / scadenza: 14/04/2017


9.00-9.45- Coffee and registration- MBI Al Jaber Auditorium Foyer

9.45-10.30 - Anthony Edwards (California-San Diego)

‘The demotic voice in Solon’s fragments’

10.30-11.15 - Lucia Cecchet (Mainz)

‘“Don’t tell anybody you are a thete!” Athenian thetes in the archaic and classical periods: continuity and change’

**Coffee Break**

11.45-12.30 - David Lewis (Nottingham)

‘Epichoric slave systems of archaic and classical Crete’

12.30-13.15 - Sara Forsdyke (Michigan)

‘Slave agency and the law’


14.00-14.45 - Rebecca Futo Kennedy (Denison)

‘Pallakia at the intersection of gender and ethnic identity’

14.45-15.30 - Naoise Mac Sweeney (Leicester),

‘Panyassis and his peers’

**Coffee Break**

16.00-16.45 – Sarah Murray (Nebraska),

‘The working poor: invisible in ancient Greece?’

16.45-17.30 – Plenary discussion Paul Cartledge (Cambridge)

17.30- ** Reception**

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