Intertextuality in Seneca’s Philosophical Writings - 05-06/05/2017, Athens (Greece)
Seneca’s philosophical work has attracted little attention in terms of its literary merit, and specifically regarding its dialogue with earlier non-philosophical literature, including poetry. This is surprising given the over 200 direct quotations from earlier Latin authors, three quartersof them from Vergil and Ovid. The proposed two-day conference aspires to address the impact that Seneca’s readings, principally Latin but also Greek, had on the formation of his ideas and the composition of his philosophical dialogues. The workshop theme is deliberately broad as to enable the presentation of as many different expressions of Senecan intertextuality as possible. The workshop is organized by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Philology jointly with the Swedish Institute at Athens.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 05-06/05/2017
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Swedish Institute at Athens (Athens, Greece)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Myrto Garani (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) ; Andreas Michalopoulos (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens); Sophia Papaioannou (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Se ruega mandar un email a /please send an email to /sono pregati di inviare una mail a Myrto Garani ( and / or Andreas Michalopoulos (, Sophia Papaioannou(
Friday, May 5
10.00-10.15: Welcome 10.15-11.00: Amanda Wilcox: Seneca’s Roman Fathers 11.00-11.45: R. Scott Smith: Myth, Poetry, and Rhetoric in Seneca Philosophus 11.45-12.15: Coffee Break 12.15-13.00 Sophia Papaioannou: Reading Seneca reading Vergil Epistulae Morales 15.30-16.15: Andreas Ν. Michalopoulos: Seneca’s quotations of Latin poetry in the Epistulae Morales 16.15-17.00: Francesca Romana Berno: The Importance of collecting Shells: Intertextuality in Seneca’s Epistle 49 17.00-17.30: Coffee break 17.30-18.15: Tomasso Gazzarri: Sub auro servitus habitat: Seneca’s moralizing of architecture and the anti-Neronian querellae. 18.15-19.00: Jula Wildberger: Seneca and the doxography of ethics Dinner at 20.30 Saturday, May 6
Naturales Quaestiones 10.00-10.45: Myrto Garani: “‘Always be a poet, even in prose’: Seneca’s Naturales Quaestiones Book 3 and Ovid’s Metamorphoses”. 10.45-11.30: Fabio Tutrone: Earthquakes, Atoms, and Folly: Lucretian Patterns in Book 6 of Seneca’s Natural Questions. 11.30-12.00: Coffee break 12.00-12.45: Carey Seal [title to be announced] 12.45-13.30: Round table: conclusions