Heritage, Decolonisation and the Field - 26-27/01/2018, London (England)

The development of heritage as a distinctive, international field of governance regulated through institutions like UNESCO, ICOMOS, ICCROM and the IUCN is closely linked to practices of decolonisation and fieldwork.
Taking cultural heritage alone, anthropologists, archaeologists, architects and engineers worked across the decolonising world in countries like Egypt, Indonesia and Pakistan making the development of this new form of governance a reality; so too did experts from area studies, government survey agencies and philanthropic organisations. This work helped to (re-)constitute the fields that these practitioners were connected to, creating new disciplinary assemblages, new forms of knowledge, and rearranging the relationship of fieldworkers to the places where they laboured.
At the same time, this process was not simply a product of decolonisation; in fact, it had its origins in knowledge practices which were often closely connected to practices of colonial governance and the complex administrative relationship between colonies and metropoles. These older, colonial practices were simultaneously reconstituted and entangled within these newly emergent disciplinary assemblages and knowledge practices as decolonisation gathered pace.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 26-27/01/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Institute of Archaeology, University College London (London, England)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: William Carruthers (German Historical Institute London) ; Andreas Gestrich (German Historical Institute London) ; Indra Sengupta (German Historical Institute London) ; Rodney Harrison (AHRC Heritage Priority Area Leadership Fellow, UCL Institute of Archaeology)
INFO: web - carruthers@ghil.ac.uk