Rhetoric Discourse and the Communicative Mind International conference - 07-08-09/06/2017, Lisboa (P

Focusing on wide-raging domain of rhetoric communication, the conference addresses past and present issues ranging from Aristotelian Rhetoric to cognitive-oriented linguistic approaches. It is argued that our communicative minds operate beyond cool reason by mixing up semantic domains in multimodal frames both in mass and networked communication. Metaphor use in specialist and popularized discourse contexts must also be accounted for in view of the pervasiveness of imaginative processes in terminology coinage in different areas of expertise.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 07-08-09/06/2017
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (Lisboa, Portugal)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE:Diana Rocha (PhD candidate in the Program of Culture and Communication - U. Lisbon) ; Maria Clotilde Almeida (Centre of Linguistics-U. Lisbon) ; Nélia Cruz (PhD candidate in the Program of Culture and Communication - U. Lisbon) ; Rita de Cássia Bastos Arantes (PhD candidate in the Program of Culture and Communication - U. Lisbon) ; Rodrigo Furtado (Centre for Classical Studies-U. Lisbon) ; Rui Geirinhas (PhD candidate in the Program of Culture and Communication - U. Lisbon)
INFO: web - communicativedialogicalmind@letras.ulisboa.pt
Ponentes / speakers / relatori: 80€.
Estudiante / student / studenti: 30€ Inscripción sin comunicación con acreditación y materiales / registration without conference but with certificate and materials / registrazione senza conferenza, ma con certificato e materiale: 30,00 €