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Sculptural Display: ancient and modern - 28/06/2017, London (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28/06/2017


INFO: web -



Wednesday 28 June, 2017

The Beveridge Hall, Senate House, University of London, WC1E 7HU

10.30 Doors to Beveridge Hall open

11.00 Welcome – Professor Catharine Edwards (President, Roman Society)

Chair and respondent – Dr Lesley Fitton (British Museum)

11.15 Professor Olga Palagia (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens): Sculptural Display in ancient Greek temples

12.00 Dr Kenneth Lapatin (The J. Paul Getty Museum): The Sculptures of the Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum - and Beyond

1.00 lunch

2.00 Dr Thorsten Opper (British Museum): Sculptures from Hadrian's Villa during the Age of the Grand Tour

Chair and respondent – Dr Michael Squire (King’s College London)

3.00 Dr Paul Roberts (Ashmolean): From the Parian to a pug: The Arundel marbles in the Ashmolean

3.45 tea

4.15 Dr Bruce Boucher (Soane Museum): The historic display of sculpture at the Soane Museum

5.00 Professor Whitney Davis (University of California at Berkeley): The Multifacial Conundrum in Classical and Modern Sculpture

6.00 Closing words - Professor Robert Fowler (President, Hellenic Society)

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