Visualising War on and off the page: interplay between battle narratives across Antiquity - 14-15/0

Researchers from different specialisations within Classics will examine dialogue and cross-fertilisation between battle scenes from different genres, media and cultures across antiquity (8th c. BC-4th c. AD), probing their interplay. By combining close analysis with methodological reflection, the conference will 1) produce novel insight into already well-known battle depictions in individual works; 2) explore the evolution of ‘the battle narrative’ in antiquity as a multi-faceted, interactive network of ideas; 3) initiate fresh dialogue on methodologies of reading interaction between different periods, communities and art forms.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 14-15/06/2017
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: School of Classics, University of St Andrews (St Andrews, Scotland)
INFO: web - ;
- Externo/External/ Esterno: 25£
- Interno/Internal/Interno: 30 £
Fee includes conference registration, catering and the event dinner on the evening of 14 June 2017 at 7.30pm at Links Clubhouse NB. Please DO NOT use this category if you are applying for a PG Bursary. Instead please e-mail with your requirements.
JUNE 14th 10.00: Welcome 10.30-12.00: Lisa Hau (University of Glasgow): Visualising battle in Hellenistic inscriptions and historiography Nicolas Wiater (University of St Andrews): The Art of the Battle Narrative: Representations of Battles in Hellenistic Prose, Art and Poetry 1.00-2.30: Andrew Riggsby (University of Texas at Austin): Divide and Conquer John Oksanish (Wake Forest University): All the war's a siege: spectacle, engagement, and detachment 3.00-4.30: Bettina Reitz-Joosse (University of Groningen): Geographies of Defeat: The Romans in Parthia Serafina Cuomo (Birkbeck, University of London): 'Innovation in military technology' 5.00-5.45: Courtney Roby (Cornell University): Model wars: theorizing war in Greek and Roman tactical manuals JUNE 15th 9.00-10.30: Katharina Lorenz (University of Nottingham): Faces of War: Portraiture in Roman Imperial Battle Depictions Helen Lovatt (University of Nottingham): Battles in pieces: Fragmentation, bodies and narrative in Flavian art and text 11.00-12.30: Alice König (University of St Andrews): Thuggery at home and discipline in the provinces: (distant) glimpses of battle across Hadrian’s empire Zahra Newby (University of Warwick): Rewriting the Trojan War for the Roman dead: tales from Troy on Roman sarcophagi 1.30-3.00: Marco Formisano & Paolo Felice Sacchi (University of Ghent): The Violent Text and the Art of War Emma Buckley (University of St Andrews): Homer’s Theatre of War: Vision and Violence in Gager’s (1592) Ulysses Redux 3.30-4.30: Alice König and Nicolas Wiater (chairing): Closing Discussion