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CALL. 01.05.2017: Association of Art Historians 2018 Annual Meeting - London (England)

The theme of the conference is ‘Look out!’. The organisers are currently inviting session proposals, and it is very much hoped that specialists in ancient visual culture – as well as those interested in the classical tradition at large – will be interested in taking part.




INFO: call - -


The 2018 annual meeting of the Association of Art Historians (AAH) will be co-hosted by the Courtauld Institute of Art and King’s College London on 5th-7th April 2018. We are expecting to attract around 1000 researchers, practitioners, museum curators and heritage partners; events will take place in the iconic Bush House buildings next to the Strand campus. The theme of the conference is ‘Look out!’. The organisers are currently inviting session proposals, and it is very much hoped that specialists in ancient visual culture – as well as those interested in the classical tradition at large – will be interested in taking part. The deadline for proposals is 1st May 2017

Session Format The 2018 Annual Conference aims to host around 30 academic sessions, over 3 days (approx. 10 sessions each day). Each one-day session will generally consist of between 4 – 8 papers (minimum 4, maximum 8); papers are usually 25-minutes, presented in 35-minute slots to allow for questions and movement between sessions. We can accommodate alternative session formats – such as world-cafe, round-table or open discussions – provided that they fit within the standard time-tabling structure. We envisage that the majority of session proposals will follow the standard frame, but if you would like to propose an alternative format, please indicate the type of format your session would follow and explain how this would be organized. We encourage sessions proposals that respond to the idea of ‘looking outwards' by engaging with art history in the broadest sense, and incorporating a diverse range of papers and perspectives. We particularly encourage session proposals made by two convenors who offer different perspectives on the field addressed (e.g. co-convenors from different disciplines, institutional frameworks and/or countries). Submitting Session Proposals

Session proposals should include a title and abstract (no longer than 250 words), and the name(s) and contact details of the session convenor(s). If your session proposes an alternative format, please include details of this in the proposal. If relevant for the proposed session, please also explain how the proposal relates to the broader theme of ‘look out!’. We ask that proposals clearly reflect what the session aims to explore: this helps not only with the subsequent call for papers, but also with publicising the final session programme.

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