11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE) - 03-04-05-06-07/04
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 03-04-05-06-07/04/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (München, Germany)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Prof. Dr. Adelheid Otto ; Dr. Michael Herles ; Dr. Berthold Einwag ; Prof. Dr. Jörg Faßbinder ; Dr. Claudia Gruber ; Martin Gruber ; M.A.Simon Halama ; M.A.Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Hartenstein ; Dr. Kai Kaniuth ; Prof. Dr. Florian Knauß ; Anna Kurmangaliev ; M.A.Prof. Dr. Lorenz Korn ; Dr. Simone Mühl ; Prof. Dr. Michael Roaf ; Dr. Elisa Roßberger ; Prof. Dr. Walther Sallaberger ; Dr. Robert Schiestl ; Ilona Spalinger
Registration opens on Tuesday, April 3 at 8.30 am in the main building of the LMU, where the conference takes place. Earlier registration is possible on Monday, April 2 at Amalienstraße 17, in the building “Historicum” from 4-8 pm. (Amalienstraße is in the back of the main building of the LMU where the conference will take place). From April 03 onwards you can register every day directly in the central hall of the main building of the LMU.
Tasa regular / Regular fee / tassa regulare: 220.00 EUR hasta/until/fino al 31/08/2017 ;
280.00 EUR desde/from/dal 01/09/2017
Tasa de estudiante / Student fee / tassa per studenti: 100.00 EUR hasta/until/fino al 31/08/2017 ; 130.00 EUR desde/from/dal 01/09/2017
Un día/one day/un diorno: 100 EUR (estándar/standard/standard) 60 EUR (estudiante/student/studenti)
It is not possible to attend the events with a one-day-ticket.
BADGE: Always wear your badge. It allows you to attend the sessions, coffee breaks and receptions. Without a badge you may be refused entry. PROGRAMME CHANGES: Any changes to the programme will be announced on the central board near the Info Point and digitally via Twitter. Please check for changes every day. RECEPTIONS: There will be a welcome reception on Tuesday evening in the Glyptothek Museum, Königsplatz 3. You can get there by walking (15 minutes) or by public transport with the bus line 150. The second reception will be in the main building of the University on Friday evening.
LUNCH: There are plenty of cafés, restaurants, bakeries, etc. near the university. Please consult the enclosed handout for a detailed plan of their locations. POSTERS: Posters are on display on the first floor. There will be poster sessions on Friday 1-2pm and 6-7pm when the posters’ authors will be present to answer your questions. The winner of the best poster competition will be announced during the reception on Friday evening. BOOKSTALLS: Bookstalls of several publishing houses are located on the ground floor and on the first floor. Further information
Information for Speakers
- Lectures should not last longer than 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes discussion. - Please have your presentation ready on a USB-stick in powerpoint or pdf format and deliver the stick well ahead of the time of your talk (at the very latest at the beginning of the break before your talk) to the responsible person in your lecture room. - You can check your presentation in the Speakers’ Office (A 120)beforehand. You will also be able to print your paper there. Information on Posters
- Please exhibit your poster as soon as you have registered. Pin boards will be available. - The Poster Sessions are scheduled for Friday, 1-2 pm and 6-7 pm. Please be near your poster during this time. - Poster presenters are welcome to put up their posters from Tuesday 9 am onwards. - A poster evaluation committee will choose the best poster and announce the winner and present the prize during the reception onFriday evening (among others a 100,- € book voucher by BAR Publishing). Information for those attending the lectures
- Turn your mobile phone to silent mode during the sessions. - Please arrive in good time in the lecture room, so that the lectures can start on time. - Use the rear door for entering or leaving a lecture room, if you change rooms during a session.