From the Mediterranean to the Atlantic: themes in European Zooarchaeology -01-02-03/06/2017, Lisboa

In 2017, Simon’s book, "The Archaeology of Animals", will be 30 years old. To celebrate this anniversary and Simon’s significant contribution to archaeology we have decided to organize a conference to be held 1st-3rd June at the Museum of Natural History and Science, Lisbon, Portugal.
In this meeting we will want to cover any of the scientific themes that have been dear to Simon in his research career, from domestication to the evolution of animal husbandry, the archaeology of islands, the use of animals in rituals and many others.
The idea is to gather several of Simon's friends and colleagues for a bit of a celebration and scientific discussion.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 01-02-03/06/2017
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Museu Nacional de História Natural e Ciência (Lisboa, Portugal)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Cleia Detry (Uniarq, Universidade de Lisboa) ; Umberto Albarella (University of Sheffield) ; Catarina Ginja (Cibio, Universidade do Porto) ;
Sónia Gabriel (Laboratório de Arqueociências – Direcção Geral do Património Cultural) ; João Tereso (Cibio, Universidade do Porto).
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1st June -Thursday
Amphitheatre Laboratório Chimico
15h-16h Registration
16h-17h30 Opening Session
17h30-20h Reception
2nd June - Friday
Amphitheatre Valadares
9h-9h20 U. Albarella: From the Mediterranean to the Atlantic: Simon Davis’ exceptional contribution to the world of zooarchaeology
9h20-9h40 C. Pimenta et al. : How much is two decades? Reference collections and their contribution to Portuguese Archaeozoology
9h40-10h J. Zilhão : Did early Neolithic sheep have wings?
10h-10h20 Discussion
10h20-10h40 Coffee-Break
10h40-11h J.L. Cardoso: The hyena (Hyaena hyaena prisca De Serres 1828) of the Furninha Cave: history of a complex determination
11h-11h20 H. Greenfield: Shifts in butchering technology and practice during the Early Bronze Age: microscopic examination of butchering marks on animal bones at Tell Yarmouth, Israel
11h20-11.40 C. Costa: Dogs in the Chalcolithic: Osteometric characterization of Canis familiaris from Perdigões ditched enclosure
11h40-12h00 Discussion
12h20-14h Lunch
14h-14h20 A. M. Arruda: The astragalus bones and its archaeological contexts in the Iberian Peninsula. Significances, meanings and historical implications
14h20-14h40 S. Valenzuela: From Western Cowboys to Eastern Shepherds. Animal husbandry in Mauretania and Numidia in the first millennium BC and Roman times.
14h40-15h M. Moreno-García: Isolation or environmental adaptation? The dwarf Iron Age sheep from A Lanzada (Pontevedra, Spain)
15h-15h20 Discussion
15h20-15h40 Coffee-Break
15h40-16h T. Dayan & L. Sapir-Hen : Recovery and Analysis Techniques: 30 years later
16h-16h20 L. Martin et al. : The Complexities of Mammalian Body Size Change in Late Pleistocene to Holocene southern Levant, 35 years on
16h20-16h40 L. Lloveras: Taphonomy of carnivores: Understanding archaeological small prey accumulations
16h40-17h Discussion
20h Conference Dinner
3rd June – Saturday
Amphitheatre Valadares
9h20-9h40 S. Ikram: Pharaoh and His Minions: A Feast for All!
9h40-10h A. Hadjikoumis : The dawn of Medieval zooarchaeology in Cyprus? Human-animal interactions at a Late Cistercian monastery in Lefkosia
10h-10h20 Discussion
10h20-10h40 Coffee-Break
10h40-11h M. Masseti: The contribution of Arabic culture to the historic redefinition of the ecological equilibrium of the Mediterranean region
11h-11h20 M. J. Valente & C. Garcia: Food in times of conflict: zooarchaeology from Largo da Fortaleza in Medieval Cacela-a-Velha (Algarve, Portugal)
11h20-11.40 A. Morales : Iberian fisheries through time: a look from Archaeozoology
11h40-12h00 L. Llorente : Hawking around the male goshawk in Early Medieval Iberia
11h40-12h00 Discussion
12h20-14h Lunch
14h-14h20 E.M. Geigl et al. : Paleogenetics uncovers the taxonomic position of the enigmatic hydruntine
14h20-14h40 E. Svensson : Stronger together; how combining morphology and genetics can increase our understanding of ancient cattle husbandry
14h40-15h C. Ginja et al. : Simon and the DNA of ancient animals
15h-15h30 Final Session