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Federalism in Antiquity and today: a continuing story? - 28-29-30/09/2017, Edinburgh (Scotland)

This conference, generously supported by the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, aims to explore possible links between federal states in Antiquity and today. It assumes that, despite the different historical contexts that are responsible for the formation of distinct federal systems, there are recurrent themes, which affect and influence federalism in both periods. By inviting papers that are connected to three of these recurrent themes, i.e. identity in federal states, their workings, and their ideology, the conference hopes to spark debate and provide new insights into continuities and discontinuities between ancient and modern forms of federalism.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28-29-30/09/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Elke Close; Kasper Swerts; Alberto Esu; Elke Close

INFO: web- - -


-Estándar/standard/standard: £30.00

-Estudiante/student/studente: £25.00


Thursday 28 September 2017

14.30-16.00: Registration and Tea and Coffee

16.00-16.30: Welcome and Introductory remarks

16.30-17.00: Federalism and Politics today Sanne Van Looy – The Failure of Federalism: the case of Belgium 17.00-19.00: Keynote Lecture followed by drinks reception Hans Beck - (Ancient Greek) Federalism: the Local Perspective

19.30: Dinner at a local restaurant

Friday 29 September 2017

9.00-9.30 Registration

Session 1: Localism and the Federal state

9.30-10.15: James Roy What triggered federalism in ancient Greece? Arkadian case-studies in the light of recent research on Greek federalism

10.15-11.00: Alex McAuley Under and beside the koinon: the local side of Proxenia in the Boiotian League 11.00-11.30: Tea and Coffee

Session 2: (Ancient) Federal States and their Currency

11.30-12.15: David Weidgenannt Common currencies, coins, their use and federal states

12.15-13.00: Ruben Post Local and federal identities in the Bronze coinage of the Achaian League

13.00-14.00: Lunch break

Session 3: Continuity in Antiquity and Today

14.00-14.45: Kasper Swerts Federalist Historiography in Antiquity and Today

14.45-15.30: Alessandro Bambilla Federalism and Warfare: Recruitment and local duties from Ancient Greece to modern times

15.30-16.00: Tea and Coffee

16.00-16.45: Elke Close The Achaian koinon and the European Union: closer than you might think?

16.45-17.30: David Engels Federalism in Global Antiquity: a Comparative Approach

18.00-20.00: Roundtable event at the Scottish Parliament followed by drinks reception

20.00: Dinner at a local restaurant

Saturday 30 September 2017

9.30-10.00: Registration

Session 4: Failure and the federal state?

10.00-10.45: Jacek Rzepka: Insider critics of Greek federal government in the era of federalist boom

10.45-11.30: Eliza Gettel Failure of Federalism? The Imperial afterlife of the koinon in Roman Achaea

11.30-12.00: Tea and coffee Session 5: Belonging and the federal state

12.00-12.45: Paul Butcher The Personal Principle: Federalism and national belonging in the late Habsburg Empire

12.45-13.30: Michele Bellomo Leave or Stay? Italian Loyalty during the Second Punic War

13.30-14.30: Lunch

14.30-15.15: Closing remarks

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