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Globalizing Ovid: An International Conference in Commemoration of the Bimillennium of Ovid’s Death -

The conference is part of the National Social Science Fund of China Major Grant Project (No. 15ZDB087) entitled “Translating the Complete Corpus of Ovid into Chinese with Commentaries”. The conference intends to bring together scholars and translators to explore the dynamic processes of selection, tension, and negotiation that have been integral to the making and interpreting of Classical canon with a special focus on Ovid. The challenges of translating Ovid into Chinese will be discussed against this general background. As such, it serves as an opportunity not only to pay tribute to Ovid but also to promote cross-cultural conversations about the globalization of the Greco-Roman Classics. The conference will take place on the campus of Shanghai Normal University (Guilin Road #100, Xuhui District, Shanghai).

Keynote addresses:

Frank Coulson (Ohio State University): The Reception of Ovid in the High Middle Ages and Renaissance: New Manuscript Discoveries 中世纪中期及文艺复兴时期对奥维德的接受:新抄本的发现

Laurel Fulkerson (Florida State University): Why Ovid? Translation and Globalization in the 21st Century 为什么研究奥维德?二十一世纪的翻译与全球化

John Miller (University of Virginia): A Globalized Reading of Ovid’s Creation 奥维德创世叙述的全球化解读

Alison Sharrock (University of Manchester): Identity Politics: Women and Men, Reading and Texts 身份政治:女性与男性、阅读与文本

Gareth Williams (Columbia University): Secondary Exile and Ovid’s Retreat from Language in his Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto 次流放以及奥维德在《哀怨集》及《黑海书简》中的语言避退

Zhi Zhang 张治 (Xiamen University): Ovid and Qian Zhongshu 奥维德与钱钟书

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 31/05-01-02/06/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Heng Chen 陈恒 (Shanghai Normal University); Christopher Francese (Dickinson College); Jinyu Liu 刘津瑜 (DePauw University/Shanghai Normal University).

INFO: PDF- web - -


$100 (o equivalentes en euros o RMB/CNY / or equivalent in Euro or RMB/CNY )

Attendance is free. The registration fees cover lunches, tea/coffee breaks, receptions, banquets, and organized cultural events during the conference.


May 30 (Tuesday)


Registration at the Conference Hotels: 会议登记

Guilin Road #46 or Guilin Road #55

Visit to Shanghai Museum (optional)


Dinner at Garden Restaurant 花园酒楼钦州南路518号(桂林路口)

May 31 (Wednesday)

Conference Center, West Campus 西区会议中心


Registration and Refreshments




Welcome and Introduction 会议欢迎:

Jinyu Liu (DePauw University, USA/Shanghai Normal University, China)

President of Shanghai Normal University

Fritz-Heiner Mutschler (Universität Dresden, Germany/Peking University, China)




Plenary Address I 全体大会

Introduction by the Chair: Christopher Francese (Dickinson College, USA)

Laurel Fulkerson (Florida State University, USA), Why Ovid? Translation and Globalization in the 21st Century 为什么研究奥维德:二十一世纪的翻译与全球化

Translator: Jinyu Liu


Tea Break 茶歇


Panel 1A (Room #3): Teaching Ovid Across Time 各年代的奥维德教学

Chair: Ya-feng Wu (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Translator: Kang Zhai (Beijing Normal University, China)

Xinyao Xiao (University of Texas at Austin, USA), Teaching Ovid’s Amatory Poems in the Medieval Classroom

Paula James (Open University, UK), Statues, Synths and Simulacra: Teaching Ovid through the Medium of Mass Culture

Joanne Mira Seo (Yale-NUS College, Singapore), Meritocratic Apotheosis and maiestas: Reading Ovid’s Hercules in post-LKY Singapore

Panel 1B (Room #4): Psychology and Poetics 心理学与诗歌

Chair: Tristan E. Franklinos (University of Oxford, UK)

Translator: Ying Xiong (Shanghai Normal University, China)

Michael Fontaine (Cornell University, USA), The Myth of Ovid’s Exile

Darcy Anne Krasne (USA), Natus es infelix: Textual Corporeality, Metapoetry, and the Poetics of Sacrifice in the Prologue of Ovid’s Ibis

Ian Fielding (University of Michigan, USA), Some Ovidian anniversaries: Goethe and Rutilius Namatianus


Lunch at Waibin Lou (外宾楼), West Campus


Visiting Guilin Garden 桂林公园 (optional)




Plenary Address II 全体大会

Introduction by the Chair: Bobby Xinyue (University of Warwick, UK)

John Miller (University of Virginia, USA), A Globalized Reading of Ovid’s Creation 奥维德创世叙述的全球化解读


Tea Break 茶歇


Panel 2A (Room #3): The Spatial Turn 空间转向

Chair: Scott Farrington (Dickinson College, USA)

Translator: Lili Tang (Shanghai Normal University, China)

Torben Behm (University of Rostock, Germany), locus est et nomen et index – Cities, Boundaries, and the Outside in Ovid’s Metamorphoses

Robert Kirstein (University of Tübingen, Germany), Time, Space, and Gender in Ovid’s Tale of Hermaphroditus (Met. 4.271-388)

Nandini Pandey (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Quod Defuit Orbi: The Hidden Topography and Tragedy of World Domination in Ars Amatoria 1

Panel 2B (Room #4): Multimedia Ovid 多种媒介中的奥维德

Chair: Hendrikus A.M. van Wijlick (Peking University, China)

Translator: Kang Zhai (Beijing Normal University, China)

Gianmarco Bianchini (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy and University of Toronto, Canada), Ovidius epigraphicus. The Contribution of the Epigraphic Tradition to the Reconstruction of the Ovidian Text

Dávid Bartus and László Borhy (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary), OVIDIUS NOSTER: A caricaturistic portrait of Ovid from Brigetio (Komárom-Szőny, Hungary)

Sven Günther (Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, China), More than a Mere Illustration!? The Legal Language in Ovid’s Remedia Amoris


Campus Tour 参观校园 (optional)


Dinner at Garden Restaurant 花园酒楼钦州南路518号(桂林路口)


Performance by the Music School of Shanghai Normal University (optional)

June 1 (Thursday) Conference Center, West Campus 西区会议中心


Auditorium 2号报告厅

Plenary Address III 全体会议

Introduction by the Chair: Steven J. Green (UCL, UK/Yale-NUS, Singapore)

Alison Sharrock (University of Manchester, UK), Identity Politics: Women and Men, Reading and Texts


Translator: Jinyu Liu


Tea Break 茶歇


Panel 3A (Room #3): Amor and Amores “爱”与《恋歌》

Chair: Thomas Jerome Sienkewicz (Monmouth College, USA)

Translator: Kai Kang (Shanghai Normal University, China)

Erika Zimmermann Damer (University of Richmond, USA), Misreading and Rereading: the Body in Bad Faith in Amores Book II

Caleb Dance (Washington and Lee University, USA), Laughing at the Boundaries of Genre in Ovid’s Amores

Panel 3B (Room #4): Textual traditions and criticism 文本传统及批评

Chair: Darja Šterbenc Erker, (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)

Translator: Bailiang Ma (Shanghai Normal University, China)

Christian Lehmann (University of Southern California, USA), Ovid and the Tradition of Consolatio

Eleni Ntanou (University of Manchester, UK), Musae Ambo: A New Approach to Pastoral Poetry in Ovid’s Metamorphoses

Sergios Paschalis (Harvard University, USA), The Fall of Troy and the “Fall” of Thebes: An Ovidian Reenactment of Virgil’s Laocoon and Sinon Episodes


Lunch at Waibin Lou (外宾楼), West Part of SHNU Campus


Panel 4A (Room #3): Ovidian reception of earlier literature and intertextuality 奥维德的早期接受与互文

Chair: Sven Günther (Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, China)

Translator: Zhongxiao Wang (Fudan University, China)

Hans Bernsdorff (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Germany), Blowin’ in the Wind – Ovid’s Story of the Invention of the Syrinx (Met. 1.689–712) and a New Version of Hermes’ Invention of the Lyre

Paola Gagliardi (Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Italy), The Triumph in Ovid between Literary Tradition and Augustan Propaganda

Steven J. Green (UCL, UK/Yale-NUS, Singapore), ‘Ovid’ and Cupid: Deepening Encounters with a Resourceful Nuisance

Panel 4B (Room #4): Metamorphoses 《变形记》

Chair: Fritz-Heiner Mutschler (Dresden University, Germany /Peking University, China)

Translator: Chenye Shi (Stanford University, USA)

Patrick J. Finglass (University of Nottingham, UK), Ovid’s Ino: Fresh Intertextuality from a Recent Papyrus

Mikhail V. Shumilin (The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia),

The First Books of Ovid’s Metamorphoses as Unities and the Hesiodic Genealogical Model

Stephan S. Renker (University of Hamburg, Germany), Transformations at Troy: On the Reception of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica


Tea Break 茶歇




Plenary Address/Session IV 全体会议

Reception of Ovid in Twentieth Century China and Roundtable on Translating Ovid into Chinese with Commentaries


Introduction by the Chair: Wei Zhang (Fudan University, China)

Part I: Zhi Zhang (Xiamen University, China), Ovid and Qian Zhongshu


Part II: The "Ovid Project": Translating Ovid into Chinese


Presentations and discussions by Project members (Sven Günther, Kai Kang, Jinyu Liu, Chenye Shi, Zhongxiao Wang, Yue Wang, Bobby Xinyue, Ying Xiong, Xiaoxu Xu, Shaoxiang Yan, Kang Zhai, Yingchao Zhu)


Dinner at Kranjanek Czech Beer Brewery (Longteng Road #2879- 3011) 柯里昂捷克餐厅 (龙腾大道2879号3011)


Huangpu River Cruise 游览黄浦江 (optional)

June 2 (Friday) Conference Center, West Campus 西区会议中心




Plenary Address V 全体会议

Introduction by the Chair: Wei Zhang 张巍 (Fudan University, China)

Gareth Williams (Columbia University, USA), Secondary Exile and Ovid’s Retreat from Language in his Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto 次流放与《哀怨集》与《黑海书简》中的语言避退


Tea Break 茶歇


Panel 5A (Room #3): Memory, Empire, and Exilic Psychology 记忆、帝国及流放心理

Chair: Ian Fielding (University of Michigan)

Translator: Chenye Shi (Stanford University, USA)

Tristan E. Franklinos (University of Oxford, UK), The fasti in Exile: the Reception of Ovid's Calendar in His Exilic Poetry

Andreas N. Michalopoulos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece), siquis adhuc istic meminit Nasonis adempti (Tr. 3.10.1): Memory and Oblivion in Ovid’s Exilic Poetry

Panel 5B (Room #4): Ovid and the Augustan Era Again 奥维德与奥古斯都时代再考

Chair: Michael Fontaine (Cornell University, USA)

Translator: Zhongxiao Wang (Fudan University, China)

Lucy Nicholas (King’s College London), Ovid’s Calculated Ambiguity

Darja Šterbenc Erker, (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany), Augustus’ Religion in Ovid's Fasti

Panel 5C (Waibin Lou 101): Visualizing Ovid 视觉媒介中的奥维德

Chair: Fátima Díez Platas (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

Translator: Yingchao Zhu (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

Patricia Meilán (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain), Ovid Visualized through Three Copies of Antoine Vérard’s Bible des pöetes

Joyce Denney (Fashion Institute of Technology, USA), Ovid's Trojan War Comes to China: Episodes from Metamorphoses in a Set of Chinese Embroidered Hangings of the 1620s


Tea Break 茶歇

Panel 5A (Room #3): Memory, Empire, and Exilic Psychology 记忆、帝国及流放心理

Hendrikus A.M. van Wijlick (Peking University, China), Governance and Social Relations in the Lower Danube Region: Ovid’s Exile Poetry and Attitudes towards Cotys and Various Ethnic Groups on the Periphery of the Roman Empire

Matthew M. McGowan (Fordham University), Ovid Speaks in Exile (Labhrann Óivid ar deoraíocht): the Irish Language Poetry of Cathal Ó Searcaigh and Ovid’s Exilic Voice

Panel 5B (Room #4): Ovid and the Augustan Era Again 奥维德与奥古斯都时代再考

Timothy Brannelly (University of Virginia, USA), Jupiter and Juno: Divine Competition in Ovid’s Fasti

Ching-Yuan Wu (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Ovid’s Shrine in Tomis: Formation and Significance

Panel 5C (Waibin Lou 101): Visualizing Ovid 视觉媒介中的奥维德

Thomas Jerome Sienkewicz (Monmouth College, USA), Ovid’s Metamorphoses on 18th-Century Chinese Porcelain

Fátima Díez Platas and Nerea Senra (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain), Ovidian Myth in Disguise: on Three Engravings of a XVIIth Century Flemish Edition of the Metamorphoses (extra time for the Ovidius Pictus project)


Lunch at Waibin Lou (外宾楼午餐), West Part of SHNU Campus




Plenary Address VI

Introduction by the Chair: Marc Mastrangelo (Dickinson College, USA)

Frank Coulson (Ohio State University, USA), The Reception of Ovid in the High Middle Ages and Renaissance: New Manuscript Discoveries 中世纪中期及文艺复兴时期对奥维德的接受:新抄本的发现

Translator: Kai Kang (Shanghai Normal University, China)


Tea Break


Panel 6A (Room #3): Post-classical Ovid I 后古典奥维德 I

Chair: Joanne Mira Seo (Yale-NUS College, Singapore)

Translator: Kai Kang (Shanghai Normal University, China)

Antonio Ziosi (University of Bologna, Italy), Marlowe’s Dido and the ‘Metamorphoses’ of the Aeneid

Zhai Kang (Beijing Normal University, China), The Hero of Better Fortitude: Milton’s Ovidian Christ

Ya-feng Wu (National Taiwan University, Taiwan), Keats’s Ovidian Vision: Metamorphosis, Mythography and Science

Panel 6B (Room #4): Post-classical Ovid II 后古典奥维德 II

Chair: Stephan Renker (University of Hamburg, Germany)

Translator: Yingchao Zhu (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

Mathura Umachandran and Stephen Blair (Princeton University, USA), Yōko Tawada’s Opium für Ovid

Jean Alvares (Montclair State University, USA), Ovid’s Japanese Inflection. Air Doll (2009)

Jacek Hajduk, (Jagiellonian University, Poland), Ovid in East-Central Europe

Waibin Lou 101 采访会议代表:二十一世纪古典学的方向;何谓古典学全球化。

Interviews with delegates who are interested to take questions from Chinese colleagues. This is purely optional and voluntary. The questions will be primarily focused on Classics in the 21st century and the meaning of “globalization” of Classics. The interviews (20-30 minutes) will be recorded. The Chinese translations of the interviews or portions of the interviews will be published.


Tea Break 茶歇




Concluding Address 总结致辞

Introduction by the Chair: Shaoxiang Yan 晏绍祥 (Capital Normal University, China)

Christopher Francese (Dickinson College, USA), New Directions in Global Classicism 全球古典学之新方向

Respondent: Lisa Marie Mignone (Brown University, USA)


Farewell Dinner: Yuliu Restaurant (Caoxi Road 439/Jianguo Hotel 3rd Floor)玉流馆(漕溪北路439号建国宾馆3楼)

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