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Virtue and Value in Plato and Aristotle -22-23/05/2017, London (England)

The Keeling Centre for Ancient Philosophy, UCL is pleased to announce a UCL-Yale Workshop at the Keeling Centre, Department of Philosophy, UCL on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd May, 2017.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 22-23/05/2017


INFO: web -



Monday May 22nd – Chaired by Raphael Woolf (KCL)

Seminar Room, Department of Philosophy, UCL

9am Verity Harte (Yale): 'Plato’s Philebus and some ‘Value of Knowledge’ Problems’

10.45am Allison Glasscock (Yale): ‘The Discipline of Virtue: Learning and Knowledge in the Protagoras’

1.30pm Fiona Leigh (UCL) : ‘Mimēsis and Appearances in the Sophist and the Laws’

3.15pm Amanda Greene (UCL) : ‘Freedom and Obedience in Plato’s Laws’

5.15pm M.M. McCabe (UCL, KCL, Cambridge): ‘Re-reading Glaucon’s Challenge: Plato’s Distinctions in Goodness’

Tues May 23rd – Chaired by Brad Inwood (Yale)

Seminar Room, Department of Philosophy, UCL

9.30am Joachim Aufderheide (KCL): ‘Do We Have to Be Philosophers to Be Happy? Issues for the Best Lives in EN X’

11.15am Elena Cagnoli (UCL, Geneva): ‘Aristotle on Wishes, Decisions and the Fundamental Structure of Akratic Action’

2pm Margaret Hampson (UCL): ‘Virtue and Action in NE II 4'

3.45pm David Charles (Yale): ‘Some Queries About the Fine in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics’

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