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2nd Roehampton Classical Student Research Event- 30/05/2017, London (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 30/05/2017


INFO: web



MORNING SESSION 9:00 Welcome 9:15 Welcome words - UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS - 9:30-9:45 JAMES WEAR, Romans in Dragon Blade 9:50-10:05 MARIA KOSTA, Matching Athena and Penelope: a discussion 10:10-10:25 REBECCA DILLON, E. R. Dodds and the Homeric Society as a Shame Culture: a discussion 10:30-10:45 JOEL ROLLAND, Prometheus: the Altruistic Titan or the Catalyst to the Demise of Human-Kind 10:50-11:10 Coffee break 11:10-11:30 CAMERON WITHERIDGE PEARCE, GRACE NATALIE PAGE, JORDAN HILL, DANIEL KUHNEL (team presentation and debate): 1 Coin, 2 Interpretations, and 4 Speakers: Numismatic Propaganda in the Age of Nero - MRES STUDENTS - 11:40-12:00 MELISSA D’ANGELO, The Role of Birds throughout the Classical World and their Relationships with the Olympian Deities in the Greek Pantheon 12:05-12:25 CHLOE ROBERTA SADLER, Working with The Bacchae 12:30-12:50 JORDAN STOLZE, Fulvia, Turia, and the Construction of the Transgressive Roman Woman 13:00-14:00 Lunch break AFTERNOON SESSION - PHD STUDENTS - 14:00-14:20 DIMITRIOS XERIKOS, Examining Cicero’s Style in Pro Caecina 14:25-14:45 MATHEW MORDUE, Regulus in Pliny the Younger’s Epistles: Hues of Darkness and Light 14:50-15:10 JAMES DAY, Sulla and Supplication in Plutarch 15.15-15:35 Coffee break 15:35-15:55 KATHRYN RILEY, Razzle Dazzle: Camouflaging the Archaic Hoplite 16:00-16:20 KIMBERLY MACNEILL, The King of the Outsiders? Reception of Hades in the Age of the Antihero 16:25-16:45 JEAN MENZIES, The Politicisation of Sexual Assault in 4th Century Athens 16:50-17:10 JOSÉ MALHEIRO MAGALHÃES, Sexual Visual Transgression in Ancient Greece 17:20 Conclusion and final words

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