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Sixth “Rhetoric in Society” Conference of the Rhetoric Society of Europe. Rhetorics of Unity and Div

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 03-04-05/07/2017


INFO: web



Monday July 3rd

From 13.00: Conference Registration and Check-In

17.00-18.30: Keynote Address 1 “Judicial rhetoric and cultural division: the case of The Merchant of Venice” Professor Quentin Skinner (Barber Beaumont Professor of the Humanities, School of History, Queen Mary University London)

18.30-19.30: Wine Reception (UEA)

Tuesday, July 4 th

09.00-10.30: Keynote Address 2 “The Politics of Fear: From Words to Deeds”

Ruth Wodak (Distinguished Professor and Chair in Discourse Studies, Lancaster University and Professor in Linguistics at the University of Vienna)

11.00-12.30: Panel Sessions 1

12.30-13.30: Lunch

13.30-15:00: Panel Sessions 2

15.00-15.30: Break

15.30-17.00: Panel Sessions 3

18.00 Coach into the City (optional) Reception: Norwich Cathedral (with optional tour) and speech from Chair of the Rhetoric Society of Europe Wednesday,

July 5th

09.00-10.30: Keynote Lecture 3 "Publicity, Vernacular Rhetoric, and the Post-Westphalian Public Sphere"

Jerry Hauser (Professor emeritus of Communication and College Professor Emeritus of Distinction in Rhetoric), Department of Communication, University of Colorado Boulder, USA.

11.00-12.30: Panel Sessions 4

12.30-13.30: Lunch

13.30-15.00: Panel Sessions 5

15:00-15:30: Break

15:30-17:00: Panel Sessions 6

19.00: Conference Dinner (Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, UEA Campus)

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