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The Age of ‘Hero’s: Eroticism and Cultural History in Imperial Greek Epic - 03-04/07/2017, Cambridge

We are pleased to announce the conference ‘The Age of ‘Hero’s: Eroticism and Cultural History in Imperial Greek Epic’ from 3rd-4th July at the Faculty of Classics in Cambridge. This conference, under the aegis of the AHRC-funded ‘Greek Epic of the Roman Empire: A Cultural History’ project at the University of Cambridge, focuses upon the erotic ideologies to be found in Greek epic texts of the imperial era, both in the more explicitly erotic texts such as Musaeus’ ‘Hero and Leander’, Colluthus’ ‘Abduction of Helen’, and Nonnus’ ‘Dionysiaca’ and in less expected places as well. The aim of this conference is to link such erotics to literary and historical trends, both within traditions of eroticism of earlier classical periods and the contemporary cultural context of late antiquity.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 03-04/07/2017





Monday 3rd July:

9-9:30: Registration and coffee

9:30-11am: Paper 1: Tim Whitmarsh, ‘The Problem of Consent in Imperial Epic and Novel.’

11-11:30am: Break

11:30-1pm: Paper 2: Leyla Ozbek, ‘Erotic Fantasies in Battle: Amazons and Bassarides in Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica and Nonnus’ Dionysiaca.’

1-2:30pm: Lunch

2:30-4pm: Paper 3: Emma Greensmith, ‘The A-sexual Epic? Quintus’ Posthomerica’

4-4:30pm: Break

4:30-6pm: Paper 4: Berenice Verhelst, ‘How (Not) to Address your Beloved: Erotic Speech in Nonnus, Musaeus and Colluthus.’

7.30pm: Conference dinner

Tuesday 4th July

9.00-10.30 Paper 5: Simon Goldhill, ‘Lamplight’

10.30-12.00: Paper 6: Claire Rachel Jackson, ‘Erotic Counterfactuals in Musaeus’ Hero and Leander’

12.00-1pm: Lunch

1-2:30pm: Paper 6: Laura Miguélez Cavero, ‘Feminine Homoerotics in Nonnus’Dionysiaca’

2:30-3pm: Coffee and Concluding discussion

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