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Transcending Time, Young Scholars of Archaeology Conference - 02/11/2017, Tel Aviv (Israel)

The Tel Aviv Institute of Archaeology is pleased to announce an up and coming conference, Transcending Time, Young Scholars in Archaeology, Israel. This is the fifth year the conference will be hosted by the Institute of Archaeology. The goal of the conference is to offer young scholars of a Masters or Doctorate research status, the opportunity to present their research in a public forum to fellow students, academics, and members of the wider Israeli public. The presentation will take the form of a 20-minute public speaking opportunity, with a 15-minute presentation (and 5 minutes for questions following). The conference language is English, and we request all accompanying power points and handouts also be supplied in English. Frequently, academic conferences are structured to address specific time periods, archaeological/historical phenomenon, and methodologies.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 02/11/2017


ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Bar Efrati; Alexandra Wrathall; Omer Ze'evi

INFO: web -



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