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Understanding Each Other in Antiquity. 5th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Ancient Lan

Understanding each other is among basic prerequisites for fruitful cooperation and peaceful coexistence in any era. The reflection of the communication and its processing can be seen on many levels of a life of a community or society, starting from purely technical, such as the means of communication and language as the basic communication tool in the human society, to more content-oriented approaches that address the same or similar interpretation of a statement and consequent behaviour based on that interpretation. In the ancient societies, this issue was as important as it is nowadays for us. However, the ways and procedures were in many cases different, and are often obscured by the time distance. It is of interest to map the ways the ancient societies used to come to understanding (or failed to do so), starting from technical means of communication, by solutions of problems caused by the linguistic situation of a given place and time, the patterns of communication within a given community as well as the extra-community communication or the ways multilingualism was overcome. From the content point of view, the ways the understanding (or lack thereof) influenced the attitudes within, between or among the ancient societies on a cultural, economic, legal and political side.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 21-22-23/06/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Stefan Nowicki (University of Wroclaw). Institute of Comparative Linguistics (Charles University, Prague); Institute of Ancient Near East (West-Bohemian University, Plzen) ; Institute of Classical, Mediterranean, and Oriental Studies (University of Wroclaw9; Confucius Institute at the University of Wroclaw



The whole conference will be streamed via Skype. Anyone interested in joining us online is cordially welcome, and can find this transmission under the links below: If you already use Skype for Business application: If you don't have Skype for Business application you can join using Skype web application under this link:


21.06.2017 13:00 - 14:30 First session Stefan Nowicki (University of Wroclaw) Understanding other languages and cultures in the light of neo-Assyrian royal inscriptions (13:00-13:20) Petr Zemanek (Charles University Prague) - The Hrozný Kültepe Letters and the Assyrian Trade Network (13:20-13:40) Agnes Garcia-Ventura (IPOA - Universitat de Barcelona)- "Women do not talk the same as men among themselves": Understanding each other in ancient Mesopotamia (13:40-14:00) Discussion (14:00-14:30) 15:00 - 16:30 Second session Idan Breier (Bar-Ilan University) - "These are Your Words" (EA 1:56): Direct Citation and Communication in the El-Amarna Letters (15:00-15:20) Alice Mandell (University of Wisconsin-Madison) - Scribal Strategies of Disambiguation in the Canaanite Amarna Letters (15:20-15:40) Krzysztof J. Baranowski (Uppsala Universitet)- Was Akkadian Lingua Franca of the Ancient Near East? (15:40-16:00) Discussion (16:00-16:30) 9:00 - 10:30 Third session Lorenzo Verderame (Sapienza University of Rome) - Martu the Barbarian or the construction of the other in ancient Mesopotamia (9:00-9:20) Pavel Cech (Charles University Prague) - Language management in the multilingual city of Ugarit (9:20-9:40) Jan Tavernier (Universite Catholique de Louvain), Understanding each other in the Achaemenid Empire: language contact between satraps and subjects (9:40-10:00) Discussion (10:00-10:30) 11:00 - 12:30 Fourth session Marcin Stankiewicz (University of Wroclaw) - The impact of Greek loanwords in Coptic love spells (11:00-11:20) Bernhard Kaiser (Dresden University of Technology) - Plato's Gorgias or how we ought to speak (11:20-11:40) Janek Kucharski (University of Silesia in Katowice) - Learning through Punishment. Penalties as a Semiotic System in Classical Athens (11:40-12:00) Discussion (12:00-12:30) 14:00 - 16:00 Fifth session Brenda Griffith-Williams (University College London) - Communications from the dead: wills and their interpretation in classical Athens (14:00-14:20) Jakub Filonik (Jagiellonian University in Kraków) - Words unspoken: metaphorical appeals to civic ethos in Athenian forensic oratory (14:20-14:40) Andrzej Wypustek (University of Wroclaw) - Epitaph of Regina as the evidence for Greek-Roman era "cosmopolitism". (14:40-15:00) Matthew Goldstone (New York University) - Quiet Understanding: The Role of Silence in Early Rabbinic and Monastic Traditions (15:00-15:20) Discussion (15:20-15:50) 23.06.2017 9:00 - 10:30 Sixth session Dobromila Nowicka (University of Wroclaw) - Understanding of 'occentare' and 'malum carmen incantare' in Roman Law (9:00-9:20) Ionela Cuciureanu - Justinian's Digest - Understanding the interpolations or understanding the interpolators? (9:20-9:40) Antje Junghanß (Dresden University of Technology) - Benefit or affront? (Mis)understanding each other in Cicero's De officiis and Seneca's De beneficiis (9:40-10:00) Discussion (10:00-10:30) 11:00 - 12:30 Seventh session Dennis Pausch (Dresden University of Technology) - Lost in Reception? Polybius' Paradoxical Impact on Writing History in Republican Rome (11:00-11:20) Katarzyna Ochman (University of Wroclaw) - 'quasi nescio quid Tusce aut Gallice dixisset'. Once again on archaisms in Gellius ('Noctes Atticae' I 10 and XI 7) (11:20-11:40) Olga Węglarz (University of Wroclaw) - Failing in communication - some examples from ancient Rome (11:40-12:00) Discussion (12:00-12:30) 12:30-13:00 Closing of the conference

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