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What is Beauty? - 14-15/12/2017, Zagreb (Croatia)

We would like to explore as many aspects as possible of the concept of „beauty“, both from a theoretical and a historical perspective. On the one side, the question of beauty is strongly connected to the realm of art and the production of artworks. In this sense, beside the general questions „What is beauty in art?“, „What makes an artwork beautiful?“, and „When did beauty become an attribute of art?“, we expect to address philosophical problems such as the relation of beauty and the beautiful to other aesthetic properties, to form and content in artworks, to different kinds of art forms, to aesthetic perception, cognition and experience and similar related matters. Subjective and objective aspects of beauty also deserve attention, and so does the problem of the beauty of nature and natural objects and of ordinary objects and events. On the other side, the nature and role of beauty is currently at the center of a large debate that involves – among others – biologists, neuroscientists, psychologists, anthropologists, philosophers of biology and scholars in evolutionary aesthetics

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 14-15/12/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: The Institute of Philosophy, University of Zagreb




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