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Classical Association Conference 2018 [CA 2018] -06-07-08-09/04/2018, Leicester (England)

Leicester's School of Archaeology and Ancient History is delighted to be hosting the CA Annual Conference 2018, from Friday 6th April to Monday 9th April.

In addition to the main programme, plenary lectures will be given by Professor John Matthews and Dr Rowan Williams. Excursions are expected to include the Richard III Centre and Leicester Cathedral.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 06-07-08-09/04/2018


INFO: web - Leicester University web - facebook -


- Asistentes sin ayudas de CA/ non-CA bursary holders/ non titolari di borse di studio: Aquí/here/qui

- Asistentes con ayudas de CA/ CA bursary holders/titolari di borse di studio: Aquí/here/qui

Please be aware that booking after 28/02/2018 will incur a late booking fee of £50 and will only be accepted at the discretion of the conference organisers.


Due to generous donations, the School of Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Leicester is able to offer a small number of conference fee only part-bursaries (typically in the range £100 to £300) to those wishing to attend the CA2018 Conference. Accommodation will not be covered by the bursary.Bursaries are available to postgraduate students, post-PhD, postdoctoral candidates and ECRs who are not yet in a permanent post. Please be aware that those who have secured a full-bursary, half-bursary or other funding from the Classical Association are not eligible for this scheme.In order to apply please send a brief statement of no more than 300 words as a Word or PDF attachment to, explaining your academic and financial reasons for applying for these bursaries. The closing date for applications is 12 noon GMT on 26th January 2018. Successful applicants will be notified by 9th February 2018.


Further to last week's announcement of the bursary-application outcomes (below), we have received a large nunber of queries about the booking code required of bursars by Leicester's conference-booking portal. Please note that detailed booking instructions, along with the relevant code, were sent out on Monday (15th) as follows: i) To the departmental contacts who made the successful nomanations. If your are such a contact, please could you pass the information onto your students ASAP, if you haven't already done so? If you are a postgraduate student at a UK or Irish institution, please ask the member of staff in question! ii) To direct applicants (teachers, overseas students, recent postgraduate) individually. If you haven't received the information, please check your junk-mail for a message from sent on 15/1/18. Bursars should make their bookings ASAP, and other delegates are encouraged to book sooner rather than later -- and in any case by 28th February.


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