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6th International Postgraduate Conference PeCla 2017. Resources: Power and connectivity in the ancie

The 6th PeClA 2017 International Postgraduate Conference (Perspectives on Classical Archaeology2017 will be held at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.

PeClA 2017 is a two‐day conference in Classical Archaeology and Classics aimed at postgraduate / doctoral students traditionally offering a space for presenting research results, discussion, and an exchange of ideas, in a friendly and supportive environment.

Speaking of resources one usually thinks directly of the copper ingots on the Uluburun shipwreck or the grain from Egypt in the later periods. However, the range of resources being traded and consumed by the ancient Mediterranean societies was much broader than that! It encompassed not only the omnipresent metals and other raw materials, such as stones, minerals, clay or agricultural products, but also ready‐made tools or even human power and the related transfer of knowledge and technologies. Therefore, the primary aim of the conference will be to identify all the possible facets of the catch‐all term Resources, from Prehistory to Late Antiquity. A diachronic approach in environmental archaeology and resource procurement strategies can offer results in shifting networks and economic background.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 13-14/06/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Stanislava Kučová; Jiří Musil; Peter Pavúk; Jozef Souček; Marek Verčík




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