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CALL. 01.10.2017: St. Ambrose of Milan: (Re-)Constructing Community. An Interdisciplinary and Intern

Hosted by the Academy for the Study of Saint Ambrose of Milan (ASSAM), at St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa In coordination with the Dies Academicus (Classe di Studi Ambrosiani).




INFO: web


Ambrose of Milan built community, not only in the literal sense (e.g., through construction of churches) but also by crafting or re-crafting the sense of community in the Late Ancient Roman Empire, especially in the West. This international conference on the campus of St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa, will address the many ways and means by which Ambrose constructed community. How did Ambrose form a community, mold a particular sense of community, or reshape the understanding of an established community? How did he redefine what it meant to be Roman? Christian? Rich or Poor? How did he connect the Powerful and the People, the Sage and the Simple? Humans and the rest of creation? How did his sense of community engage the (so-called) pagan, the Jew, the heterodox, the barbarian? To answer such questions, the broadest approaches are needed. Disciplines may include, but are not limited to, Art and Archaeology, Communication, History, Law, Medicine, Music, Philosophy, Poetry and Literature, Politics, Science, and Theology. Papers may also address the communities that Ambrose ‘inherited’ or how later generations used Ambrose for their own community building efforts. Interdisciplinary topics are encouraged (though not required). Papers are to be 20 minutes to allow time for questions. Time will be allotted during and after the session for dialogue. Graduate student papers welcome. Abstracts, 200-300 words in length, should meet the deadline of October 1, 2017. Please include your name, degree, affiliation, email, and mailing address. To upload your abstract, visit the Conference Paper Abstract link via ASSAM’s website: ASSAM is pleased to be able to offer a limited number of travel subsidies, especially for those with limited or no institutional support. Our intention is to encourage participation by a new generation of scholars and by scholars from around the world. An application for funds will be found with the Conference Registration link.

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