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Adjacent, Alternative and Post-Academic Careers in and around Classics 08/09/2017, Birmingham (Engla

The Women’s Classical Committee UK is organising a day of workshops and discussion groups to highlight the many and varied careers, jobs, pursuits, and opportunities that lie around and beyond an academic career.

We hope to build both confidence and a community at this event by making a space to share a variety of post-phd and early-career experiences. The focus will be empowering participants to see and seek out employment that values their particular skills and interests.

As with all WCC events, travel bursaries will be available for students and the un/under-employed.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 08/09/2017


INFO: web -


-WCC UK members: gratis/free /gratuito

-Non members: £10 (to cover catering costs).

To apply for a travel bursary, please email by August 10th at the latest with a short paragraph detailing your projected travel costs, any institutional affiliation and confirmation of student/unwaged/under-waged status.


10.30-11am Coffee and Registration

11-11.30am Welcome and introduction

11.30-12.30pm We have skills! Making your CV work beyond academia –

A CV workshop with Chris Packham and Holly Prescott

(University of Birmingham)


1.15-2pm Getting Creative. Sharing ideas on how to build a

classicist/classical identity beyond academia.

2-2.45pm Classics and Public Learning –

The opportunities for academics in non-academic institutions,

with Andrew Roberts (English Heritage)


3-4pm Taking Classicists to School –

Careers in teaching, outreach and HE administration, with

Frances Child, Polly Stoker, Oonagh Pennington-Wilson,

and Tamsin Cross.

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