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Approaches to ancient Greek and Latin im/ politeness - 26-27/06/2017, Madrid (Spain)

Los próximos días 26 y 27 de junio tendrá lugar en la Corrala de la UAM el siguiente congreso organizado por el prof. Luis Unceta, del departamento de Clásicas junto con Łukasz Berger

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 26-27/06/2017





Monday 26th 14.45: Welcome address 15.00-16.30: The linguistic expression of im/politeness (1)

15.00-15.30: M. Lloyd (University College Dublin): “The hortative aorist.” 15.30-16.00: C. Denizot (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre): “How to be polite without saying ‘please’ in Ancient Greek.” 16.00-16.30: Ch. Fedriani (Università degli Studi di Genova): “The pragmatic development of si (tibi/vobis) placet and cognate forms between politeness and impoliteness.” 16.30-17.00: Discussion 17.00-17.30: Coffee break 17.30-19.30: The linguistic expression of im/politeness (2) 17.30-18.00: F. Mencacci (Università di Siena): “Text as interaction. Ut mihi videtur as a verbal hedge in Latin literary texts.” 18.00-18.30: P. Molinelli (Università di Bergamo): “The origin of T/V distinction in Latin: from socio-affective to formal-reverential meanings.” 18.30-19.00: L. van Gils (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) & R. Risselada (Universiteit van Amsterdam): “Honoris causa nominatus: form and functions of third party politeness.” 19.00-19.30: Discussion Tuesday 27th 9.30-11.30: Im/Politeness in dialogue (1) 9.30-10.00: G. Sorrentino (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg): “An integrated pragmatic approach to conversational openings in Menander’s comedy.” 10.00-10.30: Ł. Berger (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań): “Turn management in Roman comedy dialogue.” 10.30-11.00: E. van Emde Boas (Oxford University): “Conversation analysis and impoliteness in Greek drama.” 11.00-11.30: Discussion 11.30-12.00: Coffee break 12.00-13.30: Im/Politeness in dialogue (2)

12.00-12.30: S. Roesch (Universitè François-Rabelais, Tours): “Counter-strategies to impoliteness in Latin comedy.” 12.30-13.00: F. Iurescia (Universität Zürich): “Impoliteness in non-literary genres: the Colloquium Harleianum.” 13.00-13.20: Discussion 13.20-14.30: Lunch 14.30-16.00: The metalanguage of im/politeness 14.30-15.00: F. Mari (Polis Institute Jerusalem): “The Athenians’ ἀκολασία as impoliteness. A look to Pseudo-Xenophon, Constitution of the Athenians, I 10 from the point of view of ancient Greek politeness.” 15.00-15.30: C. Guardamagna (University of Liverpool): “Latin urbanitas: identity, humour and im/politeness.” 15.30-15.50: Discussion 15.50-16.20: Coffee break 16.20-18.20: Metapragmatics & politeness systems 16.20-16.50: J. Hall (University of Otago): De Officiis 1.132-136 and the art of polite conversation.” 16.50-17.20: L. Unceta Gómez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): “Being polite the Roman way. Metapragmatic comments in the comedies of Plautus and Terence (and their implications for a theory of Latin politeness).” 17.20-17.50: P. Barrios-Lech (University of Massachusetts Boston): “Contrasting the Politeness Systems of ancient Greece and Rome.” 17.50-18.20: Discussion 18.20: Closing remarks

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