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Borders, Boundaries, and Barriers - 15/09/2017, London (England)

The Postgraduate and Early Career Late Antiquity Network would like to invite contributions to its fourth workshop, to be convened around the theme of ‘Borders, Boundaries, and Barriers’, held at the Institute of Classical Studies, London, on Friday, 15th September 2017.The workshop, generously supported and hosted by the ICS, aims at providing an informal, but focused and constructive, environment for post-graduate and early career researchers to present their work, meet others working in the field, and discuss current trends and issues. The Network brings together and provides a single platform for those working on diverse areas within the period of Late Antiquity, including history, archaeology, patristics, and literature. Applications from those early in their PhD, as well as MA students, are particularly encouraged.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 15/09/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Rebecca Usherwood (Durham); Taylor FitzGerald (Exeter), Stuart McCunn (Nottingham).


INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: gratis / free / gratuito Deadline: 03/09/2017

Se ruega mandar un email a/ please send an email to/ si prega di inviare un' email a

This event is free of charge thanks to the kind support of the ICS, but prompt registration is required for catering purposes. Please also include any dietary requirements.


9.30am Registration (coffee & tea)


Flor Herrero Valdes (Institute of Classical Studies): Greco-Egyptian Magic - ritual activity of borders, boundaries and extremes.

Miriam Hay (Warwick): Re-viewing biblical sarcophagi within the tradition of Roman funerary commemoration

John Mandasger (South Carolina): The Border of the Field and the Gaze of the Neighbor: Intersections of Identity and Space in Early Rabbinic Literature

11.30am Tea break


Arianna Gullo (Durham): Bilingualism in Late Antique Epigrams

Katherine Krauss (Cambridge): Making Meaning out of Metaphor: Contextualising Theatricality in Heliodorus

Christian Modello (Messina): Re-defining religious and ethnic boundaries: the construction of the taxonomic categories of Eusebius of Caesarea

1.30pm Lunch


Graham Andrews (Cambridge): Soldiers and Senators in the Third Century

William Lewis (Cardiff): New Borders in an Old Empire: The Dynastic Division of 337-350

Michael Wuk (Nottingham): Creating boundaries or bridging chasms? Late Antique oaths as tools of exclusion and unification

Maurits de Leeuw (Tübingen): Bribe or blessing? The legitimacy of ‘gifts’ as a resource for influence in the early fifth century Eastern Roman Empire

4.30 – 5.15pm ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION on academic self-definition ("Between Classicist and Medievalist?")

5.15pm onwards Pub and dinner

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