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CALL.02.08.2017: [CA 2018] A Material Girl In A Material World. Women, Objects and Antiquity - Leice

Classical Association Annual Conference in Leicester, 6-9 April 2018.

The Women’s Classical Committee UK invites submissions for this year’s panel, themed ‘A Material Girl In A Material World: Women, Objects and Antiquity’. This follows two successful WCC UK panels at the 2017 Classical Association meeting in Kent.

In line with this year’s conference themes, our aim is twofold: 1) to examine the relationship between women and objects in the ancient world (broadly defined) and 2) to consider the particular experience of ancient and modern women handling classical objects. This panel seeks to showcase recent academic work from a range of perspectives, underscoring the benefits of embracing a wide range of viewpoints in the study of the Classics. We welcome in particular papers that seek to diversify Classics in approach, findings, or methodology.



LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Leicester (England)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Liz Gloyn (Royal Holloway, University of London); Rosa Andújar (KCL)

INFO: web -


We invite submissions that focus on (but are not limited to) the following: gendered experiences of artefacts, description versus reality, new approaches to ancient and modern pedagogy, women in archaeology, gendered economies, hierarchies of textual and artefactual authority, breaking and mending, and phenomenological experience.

We warmly encourage Classicists at any career stage and of any gender to submit abstracts.

Please send anonymous abstracts (in .doc or .pdf format) of no more than 200 words to by Wednesday August 2nd 2017. The panel organisers will make decisions about abstracts in time to allow any unsuccessful papers to still be submitted to the Classical Association for consideration under the general call, which closes on 31s tAugust 2017.

The Women’s Classical Committee UK aims to:

1) Support Women* in Classics **

2) Promote feminist and gender-informed perspectives in Classics

3) Raise the profile of the study of women in antiquity and Classical reception

4) Advance equality and diversity in Classics.

For more information and details of how to become a member please see

*By ‘women’ we include all those who self-define as women, including (if they wish) those with complex gender identities which include ‘woman’, and those who experience oppression as women.

**By ‘classics’ we understand the study of the ancient Mediterranean world and its reception, including but not limited to scholarship by students and post-holders in academic departments of Classics and Ancient History.

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