CALL. 21.07.2017: Disputationes. Kölner Herbstwerkstatt - Kohl (Germany)
The Disputationes are an inclusive, interdisciplinary and diachronic format dedicated to open conversations and aiming both at a critical as well as a constructive approach to the methodological pluralism within the historical disciplines. The broad time span will not be narrowed down by the constraints a thematic orientation might impose. On the contrary, the conference seeks to bridge the time gap by promoting the shared exchange of methodological and structural approaches to various projects. The Disputationes are by doctoral students for doctoral students.
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Cologne, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Historical Institute (Kohl, Germany)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Eva-Maria Cersovsky ; Tim Fuchs ;Georg Friedrich Heinzle ; Sebastian Lambertz ; Ralph Lange ;Sebastian Schlinkheider
INFO: web -
Despite recent efforts within the disciplines, there remains an essential lack of regular platforms facilitating epoch-spanning exchange and networking among postgraduate students working in the field of History. The Cologne Autumn Workshop (Kölner Herbstwerkstatt) intends to fill this gap with a two day-conference, taking place from 28th to 30th September 2017. Doctoral students currently undertaking research on any epoch, from Ancient to Contemporary History, and looking for an opportunity to present their work and engage in discussion with the like-minded are therefore gladly invited to participate.
The Disputationes are an inclusive, interdisciplinary and diachronic format dedicated to open conversations and aiming both at a critical as well as a constructive approach to the methodological pluralism within the historical disciplines. The broad time span will not be narrowed down by the constraints a thematic orientation might impose. On the contrary, the conference seeks to bridge the time gap by promoting the shared exchange of methodological and structural approaches to various projects. The Disputationes are by doctoral students for doctoral students.
Time slots of 45 minutes will be reserved for every contribution, split in 25 minutes of presentation and 20 minutes of discussion respectively, giving all speakers the chance to receive profound feedback.
Since the Cologne Autumn Workshop also intends to seize the socialising momentum of the gathering, shared activities will be offered subsequent to the presentations each day in order to already foster prospective networks on a postgraduate level.
On the eve of the first day (28th September 2017, 18:30), Dr. des. Christopher Degelmann (Humbold-Universität zu Berlin) will hold a keynote entitled Decisions, decisions. Promovierende wie Caesar am Rubikon, focussing on the sense and nonsense of applying and building theories in doctoral research.
Please submit a short abstract, comprising a maximum of 300 words, additionally containing your name, e-mail address, university affiliation and supervisor to
Deadline: 21st July 2017 A limited number of bursaries may be available.
Please note that the language mostly spoken will probably be German.
Organising committee: Eva-Maria Cersovsky, Tim Fuchs, Georg Friedrich Heinzle, Sebastian Lambertz, Ralph Lange, Sebastian Schlinkheide