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Disputationes. Kölner Herbstwerkstatt -28-29-30/09/2017, Kohl (Germany)

The Disputationes are an inclusive, interdisciplinary and diachronic format dedicated to open conversations and aiming both at a critical as well as a constructive approach to the methodological pluralism within the historical disciplines. The broad time span will not be narrowed down by the constraints a thematic orientation might impose. On the contrary, the conference seeks to bridge the time gap by promoting the shared exchange of methodological and structural approaches to various projects. The Disputationes are by doctoral students for doctoral students.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28-29-30/09/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Eva-Maria Cersovsky ; Tim Fuchs ;Georg Friedrich Heinzle ; Sebastian Lambertz ; Ralph Lange ;Sebastian Schlinkheider

INFO: web -



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