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CALL. 31.07.2017: [CA 2018] A Magnificent Seven Against/On/About Thebes: the uses, abuses, and reuse

For the Classical Association conference in Leicester (6-9 April 2018) we are proposing a seven-paper panel on the afterlife of characters, motifs and myths derived from the Theban cycle. The figures and tales of Oedipus, The Seven, and the Epigoni have a varied and extensive literary and cultural afterlife; most famously as the subjects of plays by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Seneca in Antiquity, through to Freud’s appropriation of Oedipus as one of his many classical borrowings for the formulation of psycho-analytical complexes. Yet the motifs and myths have a wider currency: Eteocles and Polyneices became comparative figures for fratricide and civil strife; Jocasta a slur for any woman ambitious for her son; and Oedipus, hero, statesman, and oracle is simply remembered in the immortal words of Tom Lehrer as a man of many faults, ‘but at least he loved his mother…”.



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Sam Hayes (Exeter); Andrew Worley (Exeter)

INFO: web -


We are looking for abstracts (no more than 300 words to comply with the CA’s CfP) for papers concerning any aspect of the cycle’s use, reuse, or abuse from Antiquity to the present, whether within literature (not solely constrained to drama) or the visual arts and beyond. Offerings from current or recently-graduated postgraduate researchers and those engaged in disciplines outside of Classics & Ancient History are especially welcomed.

Please email your proposed abstract to before the deadline for submission of abstracts for consideration (5pm Monday 31st July 2017).

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