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The boundaries of the Human in ancient thought -28/07/2017, Lisboa (Portugal)

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 28/07/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: IFILNOVA, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, NOVA University (Lisboa, Portugal) ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: IFILNOVA

INFO: web


9.30-10.30: António Caeiro (NOVA University), Continuity and discontinuity in causal thinking. Aristotle's Metaphysics alfa minor

10.45-11.45: Fábio Serranito (University of Coimbra), Epimeleia and ta heautou prattein in Plato's Charmides

12.00-13.00: Hélder Telo (NOVA University), Φύσις, ἄνθρωπος and ψυχή. Some notes on Plato's anthropological vocabulary

15.00-16.00: Tomaz Fidalgo (NOVA University), Αἴσθησις ἑαυτοῦ and αἴσθησις τῶν ἐκτός. Frontiers of the self in Hierocles' Ἐθικὴ Στοιχείωσις

16.15-17.15: Paulo Lima (University of Lisbon), The monstrous chorus in The Birth of Tragedy

17.30-18.30: Douglas Cairns (University of Edinburgh), Mind, body, and world in E. Hipp. and Sen. Pha.

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