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The CARC Workshop 2017. Transmission: The Migration of Iconography in Classical Art - 28-29/09/2017,

This workshop builds upon CARC's recent events dedicated to Roman replicas and Greek artists. Through the contributions of international speakers and lively, informal debate, it will aim to cast new light on ancient imagery and on the lessons that can be learned from examining its adaptive success. The workshop will focus on mythological scenes (but not exclusively) and on Hellenistic and Roman periods (but not exclusively). Probable topics for discussion include: the evidence for and against 'copy-books'; the transmission of imagery between luxury art and stone reliefs such as Roman mythological sarcophagi; the role of ceramics and plaster models as vehicles for transmission; mythological mosaics; the movement of imagery across Roman provinces; and the persistence of classical schemes in the illuminated manuscripts of Late Antiquity.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 28-29/09/2017


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Thursday 28th September, 2017

10:15 Welcome and Introduction Dr Peter Stewart (Director, Classical Art Research Centre)

10: 30 Tales and Images of Polyphemus’ Blinding: Ways of Transmission Prof Luca Giuliani (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin)

11:30 Break - coffee and tea

12:00 The Interplay of Text and Image in the Transmission of Gestures, Forms, and Stylistic Devices Prof Maria Luisa Catoni (IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca)

13:00 Lunch (provided for speakers only)

14: 00 The Transmission of Scenes from Menander in Graeco-Roman Art Prof Katherine Dunbabin (McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario)

15:00 The Migration of the Iconographic Theme of Aeneas in the Roman Occident: Vectors, Actors and Modalities Dr. Alexandra Dardenay (Université Toulouse II Jean-Jaures – CNRS)

16:00 Tea/coffee break

16: 30 The Everyday in the Epic: Extra-Homeric Imagery in Roman Iliadic Friezes Ms Alison Pollard (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)

17:30 Concluding comments; reception.

Friday 29th September, 2017

09:30 'Leben im Zitat': Perspectives on a Persistent Problem Prof Björn Ewald (University of Toronto)

10:30 Break - coffee and tea

11:00 Conceptualizing the Copy without an Original in Roman Sculpture Prof Nikolaus Dietrich (Universität Heidelberg)

12:00 Pictorial Schemes as Bearers of Meaning Prof Bettina Bergmann (Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts)

13:00 Lunch (provided for speakers only)

14:00 Memory, Models and the Making of Mosaics Dr Will Wootton (King's College London)

15:00 Transmission and the Replication Chain: The Mechanics of Clay and Plaster-based Reproduction in Graeco-Roman Antiquity Dr Arne Reinhardt (Universität Heidelberg)

16:00 Tea/coffee break

16:30 'The Mysteriously Transmitted Grecian Touch': Hellenistic Art, Roman Sarcophagi, and Gandharan Sculpture Dr Peter Stewart (CARC, University of Oxford)

17:30 Roundtable discussion/closing comments

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