Greek and Roman Pasts in the Long Second Century: The Intellectual Climate of Cassius Dio - 24-25-26
The Cassius Dio Network (2016-18) has combined historiographical, literary, and rhetorical analyses of Cassius Dio's career andworks to demonstrate that he was both an active, successful politician and an intellectually sophisticated historian and author. The Network has organized several conferences and seminars in the last two years, including “Cassius Dio the Historian: Methods and Approaches” (Odense, December 2016) and “Cassius Dio and Civil War” (Aalborg, October 2017).
The Network will host, as the final event of this series, a conference in May 2018 in Banff, Alberta, Canada. Focussing on Dio’s literary characteristics and cultural context, the conference will situate Dio’s work at the intersection and culmination of a series of traditions and practices, including Thucydidean political historiography, the Roman annalistic and senatorial historical traditionsand the many components of the Second Sophistic.
Confirmed Keynote Speaker
David S. Potter (Francis W. Kelsey Collegiate Professor of Greek and Roman History and Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Greek and Latin, University of Michigan)
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 24-25-26/05/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Banff (Alberta, Canada)
-Precio de inscripción / Registration fee / prezzo registrazione: C$120
-Miembros de la network y estudiantes / Network members and students / membri della network e studenti: C$60
All will include breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks on site.