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Neo-Latin Literary Perspectives on Britain and Ireland, 1520-1670 -15-16/09/2017, Cambridge (England

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 15-16/09/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Andrew Taylor ; Society for Neo-Latin Studies / Cambridge Society for Neo-Latin Studies

INFO: web -


Por día / per day / al giorno: £50

Por día (estudiantes y no remunerados) / per day (students and unwaged) / al giorno (studenti e non retribuito): £25

Conferencia entera / the whole conference / intera conferenza: £100

Conferencia entera (estudiantes y no remunerados) / the whole conference (students and unwaged) / intera conferenza (studenti e non retribuito): £50


DAY 1 - 15th September

Registration 9.00-9.20

Welcome 9.20-9.25

Panel 1 9.25-10.55 Topographies Johanna Luggin (LBI Innsbruck/Freiburg), ‘Landscape and National Identity: William Camden and the prospectus of Britain’ Jill Woodberry (KCL), ‘Mildmay Fane’s Britain’ Caroline Spearing (KCL), ‘Britain and the Golden Age in Abraham Cowley’s Plantarum libri sex (1668)’

Break 10.55-11.15

Panel 2 11.15-1.00 British Perspectives Georges Tilly (Rouen/Napoli), ‘National identity and international influences in John Leland’s Latin Poetry: the European legacy of Italian Humanism’ Elizabeth Sandis (The Shakespeare Institute), ‘Welcoming King James to Oxford in 1605 (and 1607): Strategies and identities in Matthew Gwinne’s pageant of the British sibyls’ David Money (Wolfson College, Cambridge), ‘The Britishness in the verse of James Duport’

Lunch 1.00-2.00

Panel 3 2.00-4.00 Educational Perpectives Lucy Nicholas (KCL), ‘The Lucubrationes of Walter Haddon’ Brenda Hosington (Montréal/Warwick), ‘Translation, Nationalism, and Pedagogy: Christopher Ocland’s Anglorum prælia and its English Version, The valiant actes And victorious Battailes of the English nation’ Victoria Moul (KCL), ‘Payne Fisher Latin poetry: Cromwell in Europe’

Break 4.00-4.20

Keynote 1 4.20-5.30 Keith Sidwell (Calgary), ‘“No War Please, We’re British!”: The “Gunpowder Revolution” and Latin Epic in the Three Kingdoms in the 17th Century’

Dinner 7.00

DAY 2 - 16th September

Registration and welcome 9.00-9.15

Panel 4 9.15-11.00 Scottish Perspectives

Sara Hale (KCL), ‘Archibald Pitcairne, Neo-Latin translation and Scottish national identity’ Carine Ferradou (Aix-Marseille), ‘The Scottish division between Protestants and Catholics through the political “controversy” between Buchanan and Barclay about Monarchy’ Paule Demoulière (Sorbonne), ‘Collections of Latin funeral verse in England, Ireland and Scotland, 1550-1650’

Break 11.00-11.20

Panel 5 11.20-1.00 European perspectives

Paul Gwynne (Rome), ‘Attitudes to England and Elizabeth I in Francesco Benci, Quinque Martyres’ Lucija Kresic (Zagreb): ‘Marcus Antonius de Dominis in London’ Francesca Pirola (Pisa), ‘Killing the King, defending the people: John Milton’s Pro populo Anglicano Defensio

Lunch 1.00-2.00

Panel 6 2.00-3.20 Milton Mandy Green (Durham), ‘“Content with these British Islands as My World: Milton’s Neo-Latin poetry and the search for a fit audience’ Russ Leo (Princeton), ‘Milton’s Latin defences and their international audience’

Break 3.20-3.40

Keynote 2 3.40-4.50 Nicola Royan (Nottingham), ‘Archibald Whitelaw, Richard III and Scottish uses of humanism’

Concluding remarks 4.50-5.00

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