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Winckelmann and the objects of dissemination - 15/09/2017, Reading (England)

This is the second of three workshops on the general theme Under the Greek Sky: Taste & the reception of Classical art from Winckelmann to the present, to be held in England in 2017-2018, as part of a series of international events marking the tercentenary of Winckelmann’s birth (2017) and 250 years since his death (2018). Winckelmann, who is traditionally regarded as the ‘father’ of both classical archaeology and art history, is generally acknowledged as having brought about a revolution in scholarly approaches to ancient Greek and Roman culture, influenced practices of archaeological excavation and museum display, provided a key impetus to the spread of Neoclassical taste in art, architecture and decoration throughout Enlightenment Europe. Following on from a two-day workshop in London (KCL/Warburg Institute) held in June 2017, which explored ‘imitation’ and climate theory as two key components of Winckelmann’s historiography and aesthetics, the Reading workshop will consider the portable artefacts of antiquity—coins, gems and vases— through which Winckelmann and others familiarised themselves with the ancient world, considering their use and adaptation in scholarly, connoisseurial, and both private and public display contexts. We will also consider the dissemination of ancient styles and designs through large-scale and miniaturised casts.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 15/09/2017


INFO: web -

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Gratis / Free / Gratuito Deadline: 01/09/2017


10-10:30 Registration, coffee, welcome/introduction (Katherine Harloe/ Amy Smith)

10:30- 11:15 Carmen Arnold-Biucchi (Harvard) Goethe, Winckelmann and Sicilian coins

11:15-11:45 Coffee break

11:45-12:30 Vinnie Nørskov (Aarhus) Winckelmann's relationship with gems

12:30-13:15 Amy Smith (Reading) Winckelmann, Mengs and the Greekness of Greek pots

13:15-14:-15 Lunch

14:15-15:00 Eckart Marchand (Warburg, UCL) Dull is Beautiful: Plaster Casts and Good Taste

15:00-15:45 Allan Hiscutt (Reading) (Il)licit copies of Henning's casts of architectural sculpture

15:45-16:15 Coffee break

16:15-16:45 Roundtable discussion (Katherine Harloe and others)

The workshop will take place at the Museum of English Rural Life (, on the University of Reading’s London Road campus. Lunch will be provided, and he workshop will be followed from 5:00 - 7:00 pm by a drinks reception to launch the exhibition Winckelmann and the spread of neoclassical taste in the University of Reading’s Special Collections, adjacent to the Museum. This exhibition is a collaboration between the Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology and University of Reading Special Collections, and is funded with the generous support of the University of Reading Arts Committee and the Vice-Chancellor’s Endowment Fund.

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