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Modern Classicisms: Classical Art and Contemporary Artists in Dialogue- 10/11/2017, London (England)

What is it about Greek and Roman art that still captivates the modern imagination? How can contemporary art help us to see the classical legacy with new eyes? And what can such modern-day responses – situated against the backdrop of others over the last two millennia – reveal about our own cultural preoccupations in the twenty-first century? The art of ancient Greece and Rome is not just a thing of the past, it also exists in the present day – whether as ideal, antitype or point of departure.

Our opening Modern Classicisms workshop on 10th November sets out to explore the contemporary relevance of classical visual traditions: by bringing together art historians, collectors, critics and artists, we aim to examine what the classical artistic legacy means from the vantage-point of contemporary artistic practice.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 10/11/2017


INFO: web -


- Estándar/standard/standard: £10

- Estudiantes de King´s y Courtauld/ King´s and Courtauld students/ King´s e Courtauld studenti: £7


Confirmed panellists include: Dalya Alberge, Ruth Allen, Tiphaine Besnard, Bruce Boucher, James Cahill, Léo Caillard, Michael Craig-Martin, Donatien Grau, Charlotte Higgins, Brooke Holmes, Nick Hornby, Jessica Hughes, Patrick Kelley, Polina Kosmadaki, Christopher Le Brun, Christian Levett, Simon Martin, Minna Moore-Ede, Robin Osborne, Christodoulos Panayiotou, Elizabeth Prettejohn, Marc Quinn, Mary Reid Kelley, Alexandre Singh, Michael Squire, Caroline Vout and Sarah Wilson.

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