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Approaches to Teaching Students with Anxiety -13/09/2017, London (England)

Our network is focused on teaching and learning about ancient religions, so the teaching of those subjects will be one focus. But the meeting will not be limited to that. We intend that the event should provide a space for shared reflection on the pedagogical issues raised by teaching students with anxiety, and possible approaches to those issues, and that it should also encourage the development of a network across institutions to support and seed ideas for teaching, as well beginning to develop resources for teachers of this potentially sensitive subject that is a key feature of many classical programmes.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 13/09/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Susan Deacy ; Esther Eidinow ; TLAR (Teaching and Learning Ancient Religion); Supported by the Institute of Classical Studies; funded by the HEA (National Teaching Fellowship) and CUCD Education Committee

INFO: web - ;



10.00- 10.05: Welcome and brief introduction

10.05-11.05: Narrative, fantasy and Latin: a teenager talks about his worlds - Steve Hunt, University of Cambridge

11.05-11.30: COFFEE

11.30-12.30: Supporting postgraduate students with mental health conditions: the role of supportive supervision - Chrysanthi Gallou, University of Nottingham

12.30-1.30 LUNCH

1.30-2.30: Temples, classrooms and C-PTSD - Emma Griffiths, University of Manchester

2.30-3.30: Thinking about assessment: formative assessments and anxiety: presentations and essay plans - Gabi Neher, University of Nottingham

3.30-4.00: TEA

4.00-5.00: MA students, mental health, and magic - Jane Draycott, University of Glasgow

5.00-5.30: Final Discussion

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