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The End of the World or the World of the End? Forms and Functions of Ancient Eschatologies -30/09/20

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 30/09/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Hilary Marlow ; Karla Pollmann ; Helen Van Noorden

INFO: - -



09 h 45 Welcome and Introduction

10 h 00 Paper 1 (20 mins): Chiara Ciampa (KCL), Eschatological visions in Pindar and Empedocles

Respondent: 10 mins: George Gazis (Durham) + 10 min open discussion

10 h 45 Coffee Break

11 h 15 Paper 2 (20 mins): Albert Hogeterp (independent scholar), Dead Sea Scrolls

Respondent: 10 mins: Lester Grabbe (Hull) + 10 min open discussion

12 h 00 Paper 3 (20 mins): Uta Schmidt, From “earth torn asunder“ (Isa 24:19) to “new heavens and new earth“ (Isa 65:17): Different kinds of future in the book of Isaiah

Respondent: 10 mins: Hilary Marlow (Cambridge) + 10 min open discussion

12 h 45 Lunch (provided for speakers and respondents)

14 h 00 Paper 4 (20 mins): Dina Katz (Leiden), Beyond the future: Mesopotamian perceptions of the very end.

Respondent: 10 mins: Helen Van Noorden + 10 min open discussion

14 h 45 Paper 5 (20 mins): Anders-Christian Jacobsen (Aarhus), Origen’s Eschatology

Respondent: 10 mins: Karla Pollmann + 10 min open discussion

15 h 30 Coffee Break

16 h 00 Paper 6 (20 mins): Zara Pogossian (Ruhr-Universität Bochum), Armenian Apocalypses

Respondent: 10 mins: Steve Walton + 10 min open discussion

16 h 45 Concluding Open Discussion and Outlook

17 h 45 End (optional: dinner together at participants’ own expense)

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