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Rejecting the Classics - 21/02/2018, London (England)

Many of the most exciting writers and thinkers of modernity have defined their projects through a rejection of the legacy of ancient Greece and Rome, whether Nietzsche and Plato, Brecht and tragedy, or Fanon and the exclusionary humanism he glimpsed on the ‘Graeco-Latin pedestal’ of western culture. This workshop aims to engage critically with the narrative of rejection that such receptions mobilise, and to explore its role in the definition of classical reception as well as its implications for the place of classical reception within the broader discipline of classics. It hopes to consider the complex position that the study of such antagonistic responses to the classical legacy holds in a discipline committed to imparting the value and benefit of the classical past, and to reflect on the challenges of constructively integrating negative evaluations of literature and culture in the humanities more generally. To this end, although the workshop will be primarily focused on exploring the dynamics of this debate within classics, papers are particularly welcome from humanities disciplines beyond classics in order to facilitate discussion across disciplinary boundaries.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 21/02/2018






Provisional schedule

1.30-2: Registration and introduction

Panel 1

2-2.30: Samuel Agbamu (KCL) – 'The Arco dei Fileni: forgetting places of memory in the postcolony'.

2.30-3: Valeria Spacciante (Scuola Normale/UCL) – ‘Divesting Ulysses of Myth in Alberto Savinio’s Capitano Ulisse'.

3-3.30: Henry Stead (OU) – ‘ "The poet is steeped is Street Fighter 2": Ross Sutherland, Anti-classicism and contemporary class conflict’.

3.30-4: Break

Panel 2

4-4.30: Jonathan Groß (Düsseldorf) – ‘Magna gloria inde non nascitur: Adolph Philippi, Professor of Classics, on the irrelevance of classical scholarship’

4.30-5: Rossana Zetti (Edinburgh) – ‘Doubting the myths: the limits of Classics in a post-war world’ on Bertolt Brecht.

5-5.45: Katie Fleming (Queen Mary) / Daniel Anderson (Cambridge) – 'Ulysses Wakes Up: the anticlassical James Joyce’ and ‘Anti-Platonism in James Joyce'.

5.45-6: Concluding remarks

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