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Antonio Gramsci and the Ancient World - 08-09/12/2017, Newcastle upon Tyne (England)

In the year of the 80th Anniversary of his death, the School of History, Classics and Archaeology of the Newcastle University would like to invite you all to a conference about the intellectual heritage of Antonio Gramsci’s work. This two-day event will take place in Newcastle on the 8th and 9th December 2017 and aims to investigate the potentiality displayed by his reflections to become an analytical instrument to address a wide range of subjects in the field of Antiquity. The discussion will be mainly concerned with the concepts of Hegemony and Caesarism, in a wide range of subjects regarding Ancient Greek and Roman culture, economy, literature and politics.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 08-09/12/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Sara Borrello (Newcastle University); Roberto Ciucciové (Newcastle University); Luigi Di Iorio (Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”); Emilio Zucchetti (Newcastle University)

INFO: web - facebook -


Estudiantes UG /UG students/ UG studenti: gratis/free/gratuito

Estudiantes PG /PG students/ PG studenti: £10.00

Público general/general public/pubblico: £20.00


8th December

1.00 p.m. — Registration 2.00 p.m. — Sara Borrello (Newcastle University), Luigi Di Iorio (Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”): Greetings and Introduction 2.15 p.m. — Opening Lecture. Christopher Smith (University of St Andrews): Gramsci and the Augustan Cultural Revolution 3.00 p.m. — Q&A

3.15 p.m. — Coffee Break

Panel 1: Hegemony and Slavery in Greek Culture

3.30 p.m. — Laura Swift (The Open University): Cultural Hegemony and Homeric Society 4.00 p.m. — Mirko Canevaro (University of Edinburgh): Upside-down Hegemony? Ideology and Power in Ancient Athens 4.30 p.m. — Kostas Vlassopoulos (University of Crete): Hegemony and Slavery in Antiquity 5.00 p.m. — Discussion

7.30 p.m. — Conference Dinner

9th December

Panel 2: Ancient Economy and Philosophy in Gramsci’s Work

9.15 a.m. — Phillip Horky (Durham University): Gramsci on the History of (Ancient) Philosophy 9.45 a.m. — Cristiano Viglietti (Università di Siena / Centro AMA): 'Cultural Hegemony' and 'NIE-orthodoxy'. Mainstream and Alternative Approaches to Roman Economy in the 21st Century 10.15 a.m. — Discussion

10.45 a.m. — Coffee Break Panel 3: Land, Imperialism and Conflicts

11.00 a.m. — Michele Bellomo (Università degli Studi di Milano / Newcastle University): Antonio Gramsci between Ancient and Modern Imperialism 11.30 a.m. — Mattia Pietro Balbo (Università degli Studi di Torino): Gramsci, the Gracchi and the Italians 12.05 p.m. — Discussion

12.30 p.m. — Lunch Panel 4: Gramsci’s Reflections on Historical Problems

1.30 p.m. — Emma Nicholson (University of Exeter): Polybios, Gramscian Intellectuals, and Passive Revolution 2.00 p.m. — Federico Santangelo (Newcastle University): Caesarism as an Historical Problem 2.30 p.m. — Discussion

3.00 p.m. — Coffee Break Panel 5: Power and Caesars in Imperial Rome

3.15 p.m. — Elena Giusti (Warwick University): Caesarism as Stasis in Lucan’s Bellum Ciuile: an “equilibrium with catastrophic prospects” 3.45 p.m. — Jeremy Paterson (Newcastle University): Perceptions of Power: Gramsci, Tacitus, and Luke on living under autocracy 4.15 p.m. — Discussion

4.45 p.m. — Coffee Break

5.00 p.m. — Round Table: What’s next? Conclusions and Proposals for Future Research Anna Maria Cimino (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa), Roberto Ciucciové (Newcastle University), Alberto Esu (University of Edinburgh), Emilio Zucchetti (Newcastle University)


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