CALL. 01.12.2017 [PANELS]: 11th Celtic Conference - St. Andrews (Scotland)

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of St. Andres (St. Andrews, Scotland)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Douglas Cairns; Anton Powell ; Sian Lewis
The 11th Celtic Conference in Classics will be held at the University of St Andrews from 11-14 July 2018. Suggestions are now invited, from established scholars anywhere in the world, for panels on any scholarly theme centred on ancient Greece or Rome. The CCC by tradition consists of a number of panels running in parallel and on well-defined themes. Many panels in the past have given rise to published collective volumes, reflecting the conference’s commitment both to accomplished scholarship and to coherence around the advertised theme of each panel. Every panel has around 15 hours available for lectures and discussion, spread over the three days of the event. Most panels consist of 12-15 speakers, though small panels (8-10 speakers) are also acceptable. Speakers are usually given 40 minutes + 10 minutes of discussion, though often a panel contains a few shorter presentations. Scholars who propose panels, to be chaired by themselves or immediate colleagues, may be asked to liaise with the organisers from time to time on recruitment of speakers. The languages of the CCC are English and French. Suggestions for panels should be submitted by 1st December 2017. Please send proposals to Sian Lewis (