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Aristoteles-Kommentare und ihre Überlieferung in Spätantike, Mittelalter und Renaissance - 26-27-28/

For many centuries from Late Antiquity into the Renaissance, interaction with the works of Aristotle was a mainstay of European philosophy. Most pronounced in the Greek and Byzantine world, where the numerous philosophers and commentators from Alexander of Aphrodisias to Pachymeres and Metochites, interest in Aristotle as well as in his commentators extended into the west and even to Al-Andaluz. This conference focuses mostly on the Graeco-Byzantine tradition of commentary on Aristotle, examining not only its development and manuscript tradition, but also the specific forms of reception, adaption and development of Aristotelean thought and the common philosophical heritage through the centuries and throughout therious centres of learning of European manuscript cultures.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 26-27-28/10/2017

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Institut für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie ; Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures Hamburg. With the support of the Karl und Gertrud Abel-Stiftung

INFO: web -


giovedì 26 ottobre

16:00 – 17:30 Eröffnung

Hanna Wimmer, Visual organisation of 13th century manuscripts con­taining the Long Com­mentaries of Averroes

Dieter Harlfinger, Vom Auftauchen neuer griechischer Kommentar­texte 18:15 ⋇ Keynote lecture ⋇ Carlos Steel, Text tradition of the commentary On the Soul attri­bu­ted to Simplicius venerdì 27 ottobre

09:30 – 11:00 Mai-Lan Boureau, Aristoteles-Kommentare als Editionsquelle. Der Fall des Simplikios­kommentars zu De caelo

Mareike Hauer, Simplicius’ categorial analysis of differentiae 11:30 – 13:00 Christophe Erismann, The role and the importance of the Alexandrian Logical Commentaries in the Middle Byzantine Reception of Aristo­tle’s Categorie

Katerina Ierodiakonou, Eustratius of Nicaea on the notion of analysis 14:30 – 16:00 Gyburg Uhlmann, Programmatische Anfangssätze in Aristotelichen Pragmatien und ih­re Auslegung durch die spätantiken Kommentatoren Lutz Koch, Zur handschriftlichen Überlieferung der Kommentare des MIchaelvon Ephesos 16:30 – 18:00 Christof Rapp, Ethische Probleme bei Alexander Oliver Primavesi, Alexander on Eudorus on Aristotle on Plato sabato 28 ottobre

09:30 – 11:00 Pantelis Golitsis, Byzantine, Renaissance and Modern Editions of Alexander’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Klaus Corcilius, Aristoteles’ Wissenschaft vom Lebendigen und die spät­­anti­ken Aristoteles-Kommentatoren 11:30 – 13:00 Stefano Valente, Die griechisch-byzantinischen Kommentare zu den Analytica Posteriora des Aristoteles: Einige manuskriptologische und textkritische Beobachtungen

Nikos Agiotis, Aristotelisches aus dem Werk des Theophanes Eleavoulkos (+ nach 1555)

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